نتایج جستجو

Langenscheidt pocket dictionary of the English and German languages
Edmund Klatt (ed.), 1951
Visual Prosody: The Graphematic Foot in English and German
Martin Evertz, 2018
English and German Nationalist and Anti-semitic Discourse, 1871-1945
Geraldine Horan; Felicity J. Rash; Daniel Wildmann (eds.), 2013
Sanskrit Vocabulary: Arranged According to Word Families With Meanings in English, German and Spanish
Bernfried Schlerath, 1997
Schritte International 1: Glossary XXL, Deutsch-Englisch, German English
Jeannie Sanke, Sophie Caesar, María Jesús Gil Valdés, Christiane Seuthe, 2008
Interpretation of the German-English Conflict
Prince K.B. zur Lippe, M.A., A.B., n.d., 1940/41
German Vocabulary for English Speakers - 9000 Words
Andrey Taranov, 2012
German-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
Angeles Gavira, 2017
Klett’s Modern German and English Dictionary
Erich Weis, 1990
Oxford English - German Dictionary
Oxford, 2019
Bilingual Visual Dictionary: German-English
Christangelos Seferiadis, 2012
German Picture Dictionary with English Translations
Angela Wilkes, 1986
Writing the Revolution: German and English Radical Literature, 1819-1848/49
Raphael Hormann, 2011
Element Order in Old English and Old High German Translations
Anna Cichosz; Jerzy Gaszewski; Piotr Pę Zik, 2016
Element Order in Old English and Old High German Translations
Anna Cichosz; Jerzy Gaszewski; Piotr Pę Zik, 2016
English in the German-Speaking World
Raymond Hickey, 2020