نتایج جستجو

Foucault ve İran Devrimi: Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve İslamcılığın Ayartmaları
Janet Afary, Kevin B. Anderson, 2012
Iran : past and present : from monarchy to Islamic republic
Donald Newton Wilber, 1981
Iran's Revolutionary Guard : the threat that grows while America sleeps
Steven K. O'Hern, 2012
Iran, une histoire de 4 000 ans
Houchang Nahavandi; Yves Bomati, 2019
Political Elite of Iran
Marvin Zonis, 2016
Israel vs. Iran: The Shadow War
Yaakov Katz; Yoaz Hendel, 2012
Engagement Or Coercion Weighing Western Human Rights Policies Towards Turkey, Iran and Egypt
Katerina Dalacoura, 2003
Iran: A Modern History
Abbas Amanat, 2017
A mission for development : Utah universities and the Point Four Program in Iran
Richard P. Garlitz, 2018
A modern contagion : imperialism and public health in Iran's age of cholera
Amir Arsalan Afkhami, 2019
Iran Media Index
Hamid Naficy, 1984
Religious Minorities in Iran
Eliz Sanasarian, 2000
The Cosmic Perils Of Qadi Husayn Maybudi In Fifteenth Century Iran
Alexandra W. Dunietz, 2016
Descendants of Cyrus : travels through everyday Iran
Christopher Thornton, 2019
From Miniskirt to Hijab: A Girl in Revolutionary Iran
The Myth of the Great Satan: A New Look at America's Relations with Iran
Abbas Milani, 2000
Drugs Politics: Managing Disorder in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Maziyar Ghiabi, 2019
Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum Iran - A late Sasanian Hoard from Orumiyeh
Nikolaus Schindel, 2017
War in the Age of Trump: The Fall of ISIS, the Betrayal of the Kurds, the Conflict with Iran
Patrick Cockburn, 2020
Communist Movement in Iran
Sepehr Zabih, 1966
Oil, Power, and Principle: Iran's Oil Nationalization and Its Aftermath
Mostafa Elm, 1992
Musaddiq and the Struggle For Power in Iran
Homayon Katouzian, 1999