نتایج جستجو

Globalization and International Social Work (Contemporary Social Work Studies)
Malcolm Payne, 2008
Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation (Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning)
William H. Sewell Jr., 2005
Social Work and Migration (Contemporary Social Work Studies)
Kathleen Valtonen, 2009
Coercive Power in Social Exchange (Studies in Rationality and Social Change)
Linda D. Molm, 1997
The Political Sociology of the Welfare State: Institutions, Social Cleavages, and Orientations (Studies in Social Inequality)
Stefan Svallfors (editor), 2007
Contagion: Historical and Cultural Studies (Studies in the Social History of Medicine)
Alison Bashford, 2001
Emerging Trends in Psychology, Law, Communication Studies, Culture, Religion, and Literature in the Global Digital Revolution: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Series: Psychology, Law, Communication Studies, Culture, R...
Yulianto Budi Setiawan; Santi Rahmawati, 2020