نتایج جستجو

Case studies in interventional cardiology
Martin T Rothman, 2004
Coronary Artery Stenting: A Case-Oriented Approach
Nick Curzen, 2001
Clinical Pre Computer Proforma for the International Computer Database for Radiation Exposure Case Histories
Prof. Dr. Alexander Baranov, 1994
A Designer's Log: Case Studies in Instructional Design
Michael Power, 2010
Biodiversity in ecosystems: principles and case studies of different complexity levels
A. Kractochwil (auth.), 1999
Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy
Hermann Scheer, 2007
Cognitive Space and Linguistic Case: Semantic and Syntactic Categories in English (Studies in English Language)
Izchak M. Schlesinger, 1995
Lean Manufacturing in the Developing World: Methodology, Case Studies and Trends from Latin America
Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz, 2014
Hospitality Management: Case Study Assignments
Sally Messenger, 1991
Case Studies in Pediatric Critical Care
Peter J. Murphy, 2009
Case Studies in Food Safety and Environmental Health
Semih Otles (auth.), 2007
Energy Policies for Sustainable Development Strategies: The Case of Nigeria
Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi (auth.), 2016
Genetic Diversity and Erosion in Plants: Case Histories
M.R. Ahuja, 2016
Innovation for Sustainable Development: Local Case Studies from Africa
United Nations, 2008