نتایج جستجو

Art and Place: Essays on Art From a Hong Kong Perspective
David Clarke, 1996
Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Timothy Darvill, 2014
Thinking Art: An Introduction to Philosophy of Art
Antoon Van den Braembussche (auth.), 2009
The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists (World of Art)
Herbert Read, 1993
Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies in New Media Art and Criticism
Francisco J. Ricardo, 2009
Art, money, parties: new institutions in the political economy of contemporary art
Edited by Jonathan Harris, 2004
The Future of Art: An Aesthetics of the New and the Sublime (S U N Y Series in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art)
Marcella Tarozzi Goldsmith, 1999
Hot Art: Chasing Thieves and Detectives Through the Secret World of Stolen Art
Joshua Knelman, 2012
Hot Art: Chasing Thieves and Detectives Through the Secret World of Stolen Art
Joshua Knelman, 2012
A Guide to the Wrightsman Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art/E0720P
N. Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1979
American Art Posters of the 1890s
N. Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1987
American Furniture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Late Colonial Period - The Queen Anne and Chippendale Styles
N. Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1985