نتایج جستجو

ICT Solutions and Digitalisation in Ports and Shipping
Michele Fiorini, Natalie Gupta, 2021
American Postfeminist Cinema: Women, Romance and Contemporary Culture
Michele Schreiber, 2014
Feminism and Religion: How Faiths View Women and Their Rights
Michele A. Paludi and J. Harold Ellens, 2016
Marks. Nowe perspektywy
Libera Università Metropolitana; Allsa Del Re; Augusto Illuminati; Sandro Mezzadra; Christian Marezzi; Antonio Negri; Michele Surdi; Mario Tronti; Carlo Vercellone; Paolo Vinci; Paolo Virno, 2014
Dreifach Mathe 5. Schuljahr - Nordrhein-Westfalen - Schülerbuch: Schülerbuch
Anja Buchmann, Ute Egan, Klaus Heckner, Tim Kaste, Alexander Lauer, Annika Neugebauer, Jana Neumann, Carmen Otte, Ariane Simon, Godehard Stein, Yvonne Jasmin Stricker, Martina Verhoeven, Michèle Versemann, Jacqueline Weecks, Sabrina vom Stein, 2020
Dreifach Mathe 5. Schuljahr. Niedersachsen - Schülerbuch
Anja Buchmann, Ute Egan, Klaus Heckner, Tim Kaste, Alexander Lauer, Annika Neugebauer, Jana Neumann, Carmen Otte, Ariane Simon, Godehard Stein, Yvonne Jasmin Stricker, Martina Verhoeven, Michèle Versemann, Jacqueline Weecks, Sabrina vom Stein, 2019
The Embrace of God’s Mercy: Mother Elvira and the Story of Community Cenacolo
Mother Elvira; Michele Casella, 2019
Thoracic Radiology A Guide for Beginners
Iacopo Carbone, Michele Anzidei (eds.), 2020
Fanaroff and Martin’s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Diseases of the Fetus and Infant
Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, Michele C. Walsh, 2020
Giovanni Gentile. La vita e il pensiero. Studi sul pensiero di Giovanni Gentile
Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli studi filosofici (editor), G. Emanuele Bariè, Antonio Corsano, Angelamaria Jacobelli Isoldi, Francesco Modica-Cannizzo, Fortunato Pintor, Michele Federigo Sciacca, Gioele Solari, 1950
Giovanni Gentile. La vita e il pensiero. Due giornate di studio sul pensiero di Giovanni Gentile (Genova, 29-30 marzo 1964)
Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli studi filosofici (editor), Michele Federico Sciacca (editor), 1967
Elaborating Multiliteracies through Multimodal Texts: Changing Classroom Practices and Developing Teacher Pedagogies
Geoff Bull, Michèle Anstey, 2018
Foundations of Multiliteracies: Reading, Writing and Talking in the 21st Century
Michèle Anstey, Geoff Bull, 2018
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives
Michele Louro, Carolien Stolte, Heather Streets-Salter, Sana Tannoury-Karam, 2020
Verdade e Prova No Processo Penal - Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Michele Taruffo
Flavio Cardoso Pereira, 2016
Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists
Jaime C. Paz PTDPTMS, Michele P. West MSPT, 2019
Thermofluid Dynamics of Turbulent Flows: Fundamentals and Modelling
Michele Ciofalo, 2021
Le regole e le scelte: Manuale di linguistica e di grammatica italiana
Michele Prandi, Cristiana De Santis, 2011
Global City Challenges: Debating a Concept, Improving the Practice
Michele Acuto, Wendy Steele, 2013
Multivariate Data Analysis on Matrix Manifolds: (with Manopt)
Nickolay Trendafilov, Michele Gallo, 2021
Multivariate Data Analysis on Matrix Manifolds: (with Manopt)
Nickolay Trendafilov, Michele Gallo, 2021
Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia In Search of the Golden Fleece
Michele Bianconi (editor), 2021
Current Research in Egyptology 2017: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Symposium
Ilaria Incordino, Stefania Mainieri, Elena D’Itria, Maria Diletta Pubblico, Francesco Michele Rega, Anna Salsano, 2018