نتایج جستجو

Singapore Perspectives 2013: Governance
Gillian Koh (editor), 2013
Transhuman Space: Singapore Sling
David Morgan-Mar, 2004
Urban Governance and Smart City Planning : Lessons From Singapore
Zaheer Allam, 2020
Islam in a secular state: Muslim activism in Singapore
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah, 2021
An Introduction to the History and Culture of the Teochews in Singapore
Gia Lim Tan, 2018
The Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45: A Social and Economic History
Paul H. Kratoska, 2018
Becoming Queer and Religious in Malaysia and Singapore
Sharon A. Bong, 2020
The Politics of Nation Building and Citizenship in Singapore
Michael Hill, Kwen Fee Lian, 1995
Us-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975: Strategic Non-Alignment in the Cold War
Daniel Wei Boon Chua, 2017
Crisis Management and Public Policy: Singapore's Approach to Economic Resilience
Chia Wai Mun (editor), 2011
Fulfilling The Trust: 50 Years Of Shaping Muslim Religious Life In Singapore
Norshahril Saat, 2018
Travellers' Tales of Old Singapore
Michael Wise, 2018
The Sacrifice of Singapore: Churchill's Biggest Blunder
Michael Arnold, 2011
Singapore Burning: Heroism And Surrender In World War Ii
Colin Smith, 2006
Historical Dictionary of Singapore
Kent Mulliner, Lian The-Mulliner, 2005
Information and Communications Technology Law in Singapore
Warren B Chik, 2020
Happiness Is Handmade: A Peranakan Food Legacy in Singapore
Ethan Ee Hom Tan, 2021
War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore
Kevin Blackburn, Karl Hack, 2012
Singapore Perspectives: Politics
Natalie Lee San Pang, Shamil Zainuddin, 2021