نتایج جستجو

Draw & Paint Fantasy Females
Tom Fleming, 2009
Draw & Paint Fantasy Females
Tom Fleming, 2009
Enabling Content Distribution in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Tom H. Luan, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Fan Bai (auth.), 2014
English National Identity and Football Fan Culture: Who Are Ya?
Tom Gibbons, 2014
Final Acts: Traversing the Fantasy in the Modern Memoir
Tom Ratekin, 2009
Final Acts: Traversing the Fantasy in the Modern Memoir
Tom Ratekin, 2009
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIII: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 2005
Tom M. van Engers (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen PhD (eds.), 2006
The art of innovation : lessons in creativity from IDEO, America's leading design firm
Tom Kelley; Jonathan Littman, 2001
The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America's Leading Design Firm
Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman, 2001
Game programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby
Tom Gutschmidt, 2004
Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions
Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths, 2016
BBQ Sauces, Rubs & Marinades For Dummies
Traci Cumbay, Tom Schneider, 2008
BBQ Sauces, Rubs & Marinades For Dummies
Traci Cumbay, Tom Schneider, 2008
BBQ Sauces, Rubs & Marinades For Dummies
Traci Cumbay, Tom Schneider, 2008
CMOS Integrated Capacitive DC-DC Converters
Tom Van Breussegem, Michiel Steyaert (auth.), 2013
Richard Olney, Carol Cutler, David Schwartz, Tom Belshaw, 1983
Burned Orange: Tom Penders and 10 Years at the University of Texas
Kyle Dalton, 2000
Challenges to Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 41st European Marine Biology Symposium
Vidar Wennevik, Knut Eirik Jørstad, Geir Dahle, Svein-Erik Fevolden (auth.), John Davenport, Gavin M. Burnell, Tom Cross, Mark Emmerson, Rob McAllen, Ruth Ramsay, Emer Rogan (eds.), 2008
Challenges to Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 41st European Marine Biology Symposium (Developments in Hydrobiology)
John Davenport, Gavin M. Burnell, Tom Cross, Mark Emmerson, Rob McAllen, Ruth Ramsay, Emer Rogan, 2008
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007: 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2007. Proceedings
Tom M. Mitchell (auth.), Joost N. Kok, Jacek Koronacki, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Stan Matwin, Dunja Mladenič, Andrzej Skowron (eds.), 2007
Machine Learning. An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Volume I
Ryszard S. Michalski, Jaime G. Carbonell and Tom M. Mitchell (Auth.), 1983
Machine Learning: A Guide to Current Research
Tom M. Mitchell, Jaime G. Carbonell, Ryszard S. Michalski (auth.), 1986