نتایج جستجو

Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1996. Linguistics, Language Acquisition, and Language Variation: Current Trends and Future Prospects
James E. Alatis, Carolyn A. Straehle, Maggie Ronkin,, 1996
Interactions of Man and His Environment: Proceedings of the Northwestern University Conference held January 28–29, 1965
Luther L. Terry M. D. (auth.), 1966
Recent Advances in Aeroacoustics: Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Stanford University, August 22–26, 1983
J. E. Ffowcs Williams (auth.), 1986
Spin-Outs: Creating Business from University Intellectual Property
Graham Richards, 2009
Academic Lives: Memoir, Cultural Theory, and the University Today
Cynthia G. Franklin, 2009
University Builders
Martin Pearce, 2001
Differential Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics II: Proceedings, University of Bonn, July 13–16, 1977
Shlomo Sternberg (auth.), 1978
Differential Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics II: Proceedings, University of Bonn, July 13–16, 1977
Shlomo Sternberg (auth.), 1978
Cooperative Research and Development: The Industry—University—Government Relationship
David H. Coursey, 1989
The Digital University — Building a Learning Community
Reza Hazemi, 2002
The Digital University: Reinventing the Academy
Reza Hazemi, 1998
Sets, Functions and Logic: Basic concepts of university mathematics
Keith J. Devlin (auth.), 1981
Steady State Modeling and Analysis of DFIG for Variable-Speed Variable-Pitch Wind Turbines
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)