نتایج جستجو

L'intelligence artificielle
Jean-Paul Haton, 1993
Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition: Fundamentals and Applications
Jean-Claude Junqua, 1995
Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition: Fundamentals and Applications
Jean-Claude Junqua, 1996
Speech Recognition and Coding: New Advances and Trends
Jean-Paul Haton (auth.), 1995
Parole chiave
Jean Baudrillard, 2002
Machine translation : a view from the lexicon
Bonnie Jean Dorr., 1993.
Dictionnaire de linguistique
Jean Dubois, 2001
Advanced Scale Concepts and Licks for Guitar: Private Lessons
Jean Marc Belkadi (Composer), 1999
Jacques Ranciere: Key Concepts (Key Concepts (Acumen))
Jean-Philippe Deranty, 2010
Logic and Psychology
Jean Piaget, 1957
Philo of Alexandria
Jean Daniélou, 2014
Management of Sepsis: the PIRO Approach
Jean-Louis Vincent (auth.), 2009
Who's Jim Hines?
Jean Alicia Elster, 2008
Robust Modal Control with a Toolbox for Use with MATLAB®
Jean-François Magni (auth.), 2002
La condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir
Jean-François Lyotard, 1979
La Faculte de juger
Jean-François Lyotard, 1985
La question (suivi de Une victoire)
Henri Alleg (Jean-Paul Sartre), 1965
Études Néoplatoniciennes
Jean Trouillard, 1973
Radical Philosophy Issue: 83
Issue editor Jean Grimshaw, 1997