نتایج جستجو

Radiation Protection Guidance for Activities in Low-Earth Orbit: Recommendations of the Nattional Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (Ncrp Report, No. 132)
National Council on Radiation Protection, 2000
Resisting United Nations Security Council Resolutions
Sufyan Droubi, 2014
Klassenrat als interaktive Praxis: Auseinandersetzung—Kooperation—Imagepflege
Heike de Boer (auth.), 2006
The experimental basis for internal absorbed-dose calculations : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
National Council on Radiation Protection, 1985
Global Non-Proliferation and Counter-Terrorism: The Impact of UNSCR 1540
Olivia Bosch, 2007
International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Handbook
INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering
Specification of gamma-ray brachytherapy sources: Recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP report)
National Council on Radiation Protection, 1974
Учреждение и первоначальное устройство св синода 1721 1725
Рункевич С.Г., 1900
Образование совета Европы, его структура и основные направления деятельности(Автореферат)
Калашникова Н.В., 2004
Образование совета Европы, его структура и основные направления деятельности(Диссертация)
Калашникова Н.В., 2004