نتایج جستجو

Public Expenditure, Management and Control: The Development of the Public Expenditure Survey Committee (PESC)
Sir Richard Clarke (auth.), 1978
Assessing Changing Food Consumption Patterns
Committee on Food Consumption Patterns, Food, 1981
Caffeine for the Sustainment of Mental Task Performance: Formulations for Military Operations
Committee on Military Nutrition Research, Food, 2001
Evaluating Obesity Prevention Efforts: A Plan for Measuring Progress
Committee on Evaluating Progress of Obesity Prevention Effort, Food, 2014
Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity
In collaboration with the Healthcare Georgia Foundation, Committee on Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity, Food, 2006
Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity
In collaboration with the Healthcare Georgia Foundation, Committee on Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity, Food, 2006
Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity: Focus on Industry, Brief Summary, Institute of Medicine Regional Symposium
Committee on Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity, Food, 2006
Strategies to reduce sodium intake in the United States
Committee on Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake, Food
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Examining the Evidence to Define Benefit Adequacy
Committee on Examination of the Adequacy of Food Resources, 2013
The Dragon and the Elephant: Understanding the Development of Innovation Capacity in China and India: Summary of a Conference
Committee on the Competitiveness, 2010
In-vessel core degradation code validation matrix
Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, 1996
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science, 2007
Guidelines for Perinatal Care
AAP Committee on Fetus, 2012
Science and Technology and the Future Development of Societies: International Workshop Proceedings
Committee on the U.S.-Iran Workshop on Science, 2008
Guide for the nondestructive examination of welds
AWS Committee on Methods of Inspection., 2009
Guide for the Visual Examination of Welds - (AWS B1.11-2000)
AWS Committee on Methods of Inspection., 2000
British National Formulary 58: September 2009 British National Formulary 58: September 2009
Joint Formulary Committee, 2009
Design of Guyed Electrical Transmission Structures
Subcommittee on Guyed Transmission Structures of the Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures, 1997
Beyond the Market: Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the United States
Panel to Study the Design of Nonmarket Accounts, Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral, 2005
Computer-Aided Materials Selection During Structural Design
Committee on Application of Expert Systems to Materials Selection During Structural Design, Commission on Engineering, 1995