نتایج جستجو

Shifting Global Powers and International Law: Challenges and Opportunities
Rowena Maguire; Bridget Lewis; Charles Sampford, 2013
The Conquest of War: Alternative Strategies for Global Security
Harry B. Hollins; Mark Sommer, Averill L. Powers, 1989
Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of Illiberal Regional Powers
Nelli Babayan; Thomas Risse, 2016
Foreign Powers and Intervention in Armed Conflicts
Aysegul Aydin, 2012
Power Transition in the Anarchical Society: Rising Powers, Institutional Change and the New World Order
Tonny Brems Knudsen, Cornelia Navari, 2022
Japan among the powers, 1890-1990
Sydney Giffard, 1994
Causal Powers and the Intentionality Continuum
William A. Bauer, 2022
Spain and the Great Powers in the Twentieth Century
Sebastian Balfour, Paul Preston, Professor Paul Preston, 1999
The U.S. Constitution and the Separation of Powers
Brian Duignan, 2018
The Powers of Speech: The Politics of Culture in the GDR
David Bathrick, 1995
Eat…Think…Heal: One Family's Story of Discovering the Healing Powers of Food and Thought
Margaret Bridgeford, 2015
How Light Makes Life: The Hidden Wonders and World-Saving Powers of Photosynthesis
Raffael Jovine, 2022
Separating Powers: International Law before National Courts
David Haljan (auth.), 2013
Great powers and digitisation: What are the implications for world order?
Frank Sauer, Metis Institute for Strategy and Foresight Bundeswehr University Munich (ed.), 2018
Religion and Violence: A Religious Studies Approach
Paul R. Powers, 2020
African Interventions: State Militaries, Foreign Powers, and Rebel Forces
Emizet F. Kisangani, Jeffrey Pickering, 2021
The central powers in the Adriatic, 1914-1918: war in a narrow sea
Charles W. Koburger, Jr., 2001