نتایج جستجو

Police Officer Exam: Florida: Complete Preparation Guide (Learning Express Law Enforcement Series Florida)
Learning Express Editors, 1996
Police Officer Exam: Massachusetts: Complete Preparation Guide (Learning Express Law Enforcement Series Massachusetts)
Learning Express Editors, 1990
Police Officer Exam: The South: Complete Preparation Guide (Learning Express Law Enforcement Series South)
Learning Express Editors, 1997
Postal Worker: Texas: The Complete Preparation Guide (Learning Express Civil Service Library Texas)
Learning Express Editors, 1990
Statistical Reinforcement Learning: Modern Machine Learning Approaches
Masashi Sugiyama, 2015
Learning as a generative activity : eight learning strategies that promote understanding
Fiorella, Logan, 2015
Open Learning Cultures: A Guide to Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment for Future Learning
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (auth.), 2013
Multistrategy Learning: A Special Issue of MACHINE LEARNING
Ryszard S. Michalski (auth.), 1993
Gendered Choices: Learning, Work, Identities in Lifelong Learning
Sue Jackson, 2011
Learning Science and the Science of Learning: Science Educators' Essay Collection
Rodger W. Bybee, 2002