نتایج جستجو

Radiology in Global Health: Strategies, Implementation, and Applications
Daniel J. Mollura (editor), Matthew P. Lungren (editor), 2014
Radiation Biology of Medical Imaging
Charles A. Kelsey, Philip H. Heintz, Gregory D. Chambers, Daniel J. Sandoval, Natalie L. Adolphi, Kimberly S. Paffett, 2014
Elementos de análise funcional & aplicações na teoria quântica
Franco, Daniel Heber Theodoro, 2022
Mathematical Modelling Programs in Latin America: A Collaborative Context for Social Construction of Knowledge for Educational Change
Milton Rosa (editor), Francisco Cordero (editor), Daniel Clark Orey (editor), Pablo Carranza (editor), 2022
Israel at the Polls 1999: Israel: The First Hundred Years, Volume III
Daniel J. Elazar; M Ben Mollov, 2001
The African Garrison State: Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea
Kjetil Tronvoll; Daniel R. Mekonnen, 2014
Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives
Daniel Béland; Klaus Petersen, 2014
Politics Is a Joke!: How TV Comedians Are Remaking Political Life
S. Robert Lichter, Jody C Baumgartner, Jonathan S. Morris, Daniel Amundson, 2014
Mosby's Exam Review for Computed Tomography
Daniel N. DeMaio M.Ed.R.T.(R)(CT)M.Ed.R.T.(R)(CT), 2010
Afilar el lapicero. Guía de redacción para profesionales
Daniel Cassany, 2007
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 19th International Conference, DIMVA 2022, Cagliari, Italy, June 29 –July 1, 2022, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13358)
Lorenzo Cavallaro (editor), Daniel Gruss (editor), Giancarlo Pellegrino (editor), Giorgio Giacinto (editor), 2022
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
Daniel J. Siegel, 2010
Reforma agraria y desarrollo rural en la región andina
Fernando Eguren (ed.), Fernando Eguren, Miguel Urioste, Cristóbal Kay, Manuel Rojas, Sergio Gómez, Francisco Rhon, Olivier Delahaye, Alejandro Diez, Juan Rojas, José Bengoa, Luciano Martínez, Hugo Cabieses, Roberto Laserna, Edelmira Pérez, Miguel Caillaux, Carlos Cano, Daniel Rey, Juan Hernández, Carlos Toranzo, Guillermo Rochabrún (auts.), 2006
Presentimiento de la luz: vida y obra de Blanca Varela. Exposición temporal, Casa de la Literatura Peruana, Agosto 2016 - Marzo 2017
Milagros Saldarriaga, Kristel Best, Joan Muñoz, Diana Maceda, Daniel Contreras, (eds.), 2017
El Archivo Tello
Valcárcel, Carlos Daniel, 1966
Diálogos de pandemia. Aportes y desafíos de la comunicación en tiempos de covid-19
Mariana Carranza, Andrés Aljure, Amaro La Rosa, Daniel de la Garza, Lourdes Sandoval, Mayra Cajilema, Rigliana Portugal, Rossana Estrada, Susana Cáceres, (eds.), 2020
Arqueología Amazónica: Las civilizaciones ocultas del bosque tropical. Actas del Coloquio Internacional "Arqueología regional en la Amazonía occidental: temáticas, resultados y políticas"
Francisco Valdez (ed.), Catherine Lara, Stéphen Rostain, Estanislao Pazmiño, Geoffroy de Saulieu, Francisco Valdez, Sonia Zarrillo, Quirino Olivera, Daniel Morales, Carla Jaimes Betancourt, Roberto Pineda, Jorge Gómez, Alexandra Yépez, Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador, Colectivo Ciudadano de Profesionales Arqueólogos del Ecuador, 2013
Coercive Sanctions and International Conflicts: A Sociological Theory
Mark Daniel Jaeger, 2018
The Solar Energy Transition: Implementation and Policy Implications
Daniel Rich; Jon M Veigel; Allen M Barnett; John Byrne, 2019
Religion and the Rise of Populism
Daniel Nilsson Dehanas; Marat Shterin, 2021
Teen marine : memoir
Daniel P. Sullivan; Ralph Shelley, 2018
The Singing of the Strasbourg Protestants, 1523-1541
Daniel Trocme-Latter, 2016
Transitions From Dictatorship to Democracy: Comparative Studies of Spain, Portugal and Greece
Ronald H. Chilcote; Stylianos Hadjiyannis; Fred A. Iii Lopez; Daniel Nataf; Elizabeth Sammis, 2015
Lobbying Success in the European Union: The Role of Information and Frames
Daniel Rasch, 2018