نتایج جستجو

A History of the UN Human Rights Programme and Secretariat
Bertrand G. Ramcharan, 2020
Securing the World Economy: The Reinvention of the League of Nations, 1920-1946
Patricia P. Clavin, 2013
退出、呼吁与忠诚: 对企业、组织和国家衰退的回应
[美]艾伯特·O.赫希曼, 2015
Autostoperski vodič kroz ciljeve održivog razvoja Ujedinjenih nacija
Samedin Rovčanin, 2020
Netflix Nations: The Geography of Digital Distribution
Ramon Lobato, 2019
The Regenerative Life: Transform Any Organization, Our Society, and Your Life
Carol Sanford, 2020
The Transformation of Intergovernmental Satellite Organisations: Policy and Legal Perspectives
Patricia K. McCormick, Maury J. Mechanick, 2013
郑振满, 2009
斯格特, 2002
The United Nations and Changing World Politics: Revised and Updated with a New Introduction
Thomas G. Weiss, David P. Forsythe, Roger A. Coate, Kelly Kate Pease, 2019
Introducción a la administración de las organizaciones : enfoque global e integral
César Augusto Bernal Torres, 2007
Теоретичні основи організації адвокатури в Україні: принципи та система
Іваницький С. О., 2017
Decide and Deliver: Five Steps to Breakthrough Performance in Your Organization
Marcia Blenko; Michael C. Mankins; Paul Rogers, 2010
The Place of Organization and Procedure Manuals in Business Administration
Harrison, Franciscius R
The Organization of Ancient Economies: A Global Perspective
Kenneth Hirth, 2020
The Organization of American Historians and the Writing and Teaching of American History
Richard S. Kirkendall, 2011
Industrial organization: theory and applications
Oz Shy, 1995
Справа "Польської Організації Військової" в Україні. 1920-1938 рр. : Збірник документів та матеріалів
Kokin, S. A.; Rublʹov, O. S.; Podkur, R., 2011
Vigil Book : NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds
Krishen Kak, Radha Rajan, 2017