نتایج جستجو

Problems in the origins and development of the English language
John Algeo, 2008
Learners’ Manipuri-English Dictionary
H. Surmangol Sharma, 2006
Larousse English Dictionary
Larousse, 1996
The Firefly Spanish/English Visual Dictionary
Jean-Claude Corbeil, Ariane Archambault, 2007
The Intonation of English Statements and Questions: A Compositional Interpretation
Christine Bartels, 1999
Phrasal Verbs: The English Verb-Particle Construction and Its History
Stefan Thim, 2012
The English it-Cleft: A Constructional Account and a Diachronic Investigation
Amanda Patten, 2012
Habari ya English? What about Kiswahili? East Africa as a Literary and Linguistic Contact Zone
Lutz Diegner; Frank Schulze-Engler, 2015
Virginia 1619: Slavery and Freedom in the Making of English America
Paul Musselwhite (editor), Peter C. Mancall (editor), James Horn (editor), 2019