نتایج جستجو

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning: Models, Policies and Research
Insung Jung (editor), Colin Latchem (editor), 2011
Greeks and Barbarians: Essays on the Interactions Between Greeks and Non-Greeks in Antiquity and the Consequences for Eurocentrism
John E. Coleman, Clark A. Walz, 1997
Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Elie Kedourie, Sylvia G. Haim, 2015
Information and Computation: Essays on Scientific and Philosophical Understanding of Foundations of Information and Computation
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Mark Burgin (eds.), 2011
Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials: Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and Applications
Prabhakar Misra (editor), 2022
Disarmed and dangerous : the radical lives and times of Daniel and Philip Berrigan
Jim O'Grady; Murray Polner, 2018
Regional and Subregional Program Links: Mapping the Links Between ASEAN and the GMS, BIMP-EAGA, and IMT-GT
Asian Development Bank, 2013
Politics and the Environment: Risk and the Role of Government and Industry
Michael Howes; Griffith University; Government Of Australia, 2005