نتایج جستجو

Indian English Literature
Reading Malaysian Literature in English: Ethnicity, Gender, Diaspora, and Nationalism
Mohammad A. Quayum (editor), 2021
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume III
Sir George Nicholls, 2016
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume II
Sir George Nicholls, 2016
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume I
Sir George Nicholls, 2016
Mad Dogs and Englishness: Popular Music and English Identities
Lee Brooks (editor), Mark Donnelly (editor), Richard Mills (editor), 2017
English File Advanced Plus Student's Book
Christina Latham-Loenig, Clive Oxenden, Kate Chomacki, 2021
English File Advanced Plus Teacher's Guide
Christina Latham-Loenig, Clive Oxenden, Kate Chomacki, 2021
Side by Side Italian and English Grammar
Paola Nanni-Tate, C. Frederick Farrell Jr., 2013
Русско-болгарско-английский железнодорожный словарь: Руско-българско-английски железопътен речник = Russian-bulgarian-english railway dictionary : около 15 тысяч русских слов и выражений
сост.: Е. Е. Захариев (болгарская часть словаря), В. В. Космин (русская и английская части словаря), А. А. Тимошин (русская часть словаря) ; под общ. ред. В. В. Космина, 2011
Saguna: The First Autobiographical Novel in English by an Indian Woman
Krupabai Satthianadhan edited by Chandani Lokuge, 1998
English Learning Maximisation System: A Learning-Centred Approach
João Canoquena, 2019
English Nationalism and Its Ghost Towns
Luke Telford, 2022
Invisible Immigrants: The English in Canada since 1945
Marilyn Barber, 2015
The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching English Worldwide in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ferit Kılıçkaya, Joanna Kic-Drgas, Rachel Nahlen, 2022
Teaching and Learning English in Secondary
María Fernández Aguero, Diana Cembreros Castaño, Isabel Fernández Aguero, Lourdes Pomposo Yanes, 2020
Sanskrit Non-Translatables: The Importance of Sanskritizing English
Rajiv Malhotra; Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji, 2020