نتایج جستجو

Buddhism Gautama Buddha - The Dhammapada
Gautama Buddha / Translated by John Richards
The way of acting : the theatre writings of Tadashi Suzuki
translated by J. Thomas Rimer., 1986.
Pinocchio (as first translated into English)
Carlo Collodi,M. A. Murray (Translator), 2009
Correlations and Entropy in Classical Statistical Mechanics (International series of monographs in natural philosophy 21)
J. Yvon (translated from French by H.S.H. Massey)
History of the Early Kings of Persia: From Kaiomars, the First of the Peshdadian Dynasty, to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander
(Translated from Mir Khwand) Notes, 2005
Aerofoil Sections: Results from Wind-Tunnel Investigations, Theoretical Foundations
Friedrich Wilhelm Riegels(translated from the German by D. G. Randall), 1961
Aerofoil Sections: Results from Wind-Tunnel Investigations, Theoretical Foundations
Friedrich Wilhelm Riegels(translated from the German by D. G. Randall), 1961
Aerofoil Sections: Results from Wind-Tunnel Investigations,Theoretical Foundations
Friedrich Wilhelm Riegels(translated from the German by D. G. Randall)
Aristotle's Poetics
By Aristotle, translated, 1997
Abdullâh Ibn Saba and Other Myths
as-Sayyid Murtadã al-‘Askarī (Translated by M. J. Muqaddas), 1984
Ethics of Maimonides (Modern Jewish Philosophy and Religion: Translations and Critical Studies)
Hermann Cohen. Translated with commentary by Almut SH. Bruckstein. Foreword by Robert Gibbs, 2003
Leo Tolstoy (Translated by Louise Shanks Maude), 2011
Less Translated Languages (Benjamins Translation Library)
Albert Branchadell, 2004
The characteristics of prophet Muhammed (Shamâ´il al-MuHammadiyyah )
Imam At-Tirmidhi ,Translated
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Barnes & Noble Classics)
Jules Verne, Lewis Mercier (Translated by), Victoria Blake (with an Introduction, 2005
The divine comedy. Vol.2, Purgatory
Dante Alighieri ; translated with an introduction, notes, 1985
Occidentosis: A Plague from the West (Contemporary Islamic thought)
Ahmad, Jalal Al-i; Translated by R. Campbell; Annotations, 1983