نتایج جستجو

A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis
Brian D. Warner (auth.), 2006
A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis
Brian D. Warner (auth.), 2016
Distilling Ideas: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
Brian P. Katz, Michael Starbird, 2013
Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision
Sambhunath Biswas, Brian C. Lovell, 2007
Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision
Sambhunath Biswas, Brian C. Lovell, 2007
The Attacking Ocean: The Past, Present, and Future of Rising Sea Levels
Brian Fagan, 2013
Advances in Psychology and Law: Volume 1
Monica K. Miller, Brian H. Bornstein (eds.), 2016
Working Out Sucks!
Chuck Runyon, Brian Zehetner, Rebecca A. Derossett, 2012
Working Out Sucks!
Chuck Runyon, Brian Zehetner, Rebecca A. Derossett, 2012
Abraham Lincoln: Great American Historians on Our Sixteenth President
Brian Lamb, Susan Swain, C-SPAN, 2008
Cluster Analysis
Brian S. Everitt, Sabine Landau, Morven Leese, Daniel Stahl, 2011
Cluster Analysis, 5th Edition
Brian S. Everitt, Sabine Landau, Morven Leese, Daniel Stahl(auth.), Walter A. Shewhart, Samuel S. Wilks(eds.), 2010
Cluster Analysis, Fifth Edition (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Brian S. Everitt, Dr Sabine Landau, Dr Morven Leese, Dr Daniel Stahl, 2011
Inorganic and Metal-Containing Polymeric Materials
Charles U. Pittman Jr.(auth.),John E. Sheats,Charles E. Carraher Jr.,Charles U. Pittman Jr.,Martel Zeldin,Brian Currell(eds.), 1990
101 Mathematical Projects
Brian Bolt, David Hobbs, 1991
Modeling and Control of Ventilation
Jack L. Feldman (auth.), Stephen J. G. Semple, Lewis Adams, Brian J. Whipp (eds.), 1995
Professionalism and Accounting Rules
Brian P. West, 2003
Perspectives in High Frequency Ventilation: Proceedings of the international symposium held at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 17–18 September 1982
A. Versprille (auth.), Paul A. Scheck, Ulf H. Sjöstrand, R. Brian Smith (eds.), 1983
Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook For Dummies
Brian K. Davidson, David Fouts, Karen Meyers, 2010
Dellmann's textbook of veterinary histology
Eurell, Jo Ann Coers; Frappier, Brian L.; Dellmann, Horst-Dieter, 2006