نتایج جستجو

Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment
Committee on the Foundations of Assessment, Board on Testing, 2001
Bootstrap Geologist: My Life in Science
E. A. Shinn, 2013
Reactive Sputter Deposition (Springer Series in Materials Science)
Diederik Depla, 2008
The ART of Trading: Combining the Science of Technical Analysis with the Art of Reality-Based Trading
Bennett A. McDowell, 2008
The Art of Trading: Combining the Science of Technical Analysis with the..
Bennett A. McDowell, 2008
The New Science of Technical Analysis (Wiley Finance)
Thomas R. DeMark, 1994
Materials science of thin films
Ohring M., 2002
Materials Science of Thin Films, Second Edition
Milton Ohring, 2001
Materials Science of Thin Films. Deposition and Structure
Milton Ohring (Auth.), 2002
The Materials Science of Thin Films
Milton Ohring, 1992
The materials science of thin films
Milton Ohring, 1992
The Materials Science of Thin Films, 2nd edition
Milton Ohring, 2001
Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials
Z. A. Matysina, 2005
Perfumes: Art, Science and Technology
Edmond Roudnitska (auth.), 1994
Knowledge-Action Systems for Seasonal to Interannual Climate Forecasting: Summary of a Workshop
Roundtable on Science, 2005
The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell
Luca Turin, 2007
Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones: From Science to Mitigation
Johnny C. L. Chan, 2010