نتایج جستجو

Practical Politics (Ragion di Stato) ; Religion and the Virtues of the Christian Prince Against Machiavelli
Giovanni Botero; Pedro de Ribadeneyra; Luis Sanchez; George Albert Moore, 1949
Advances in Visual Computing: 16th International Symposium, ISVC 2021, Virtual Event, October 4-6, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
George Bebis (editor), Vassilis Athitsos (editor), Tong Yan (editor), Manfred Lau (editor), Frederick Li (editor), Conglei Shi (editor), Xiaoru Yuan (editor), Christos Mousas (editor), Gerd Bruder (editor), 2021
Tolstói o Dostoievski
George Steiner, 2002
Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity, Ecology
George A. Feldhamer, 2020
Multiscale Modeling Approaches for Composites
George Chatzigeorgiou, Fodil Meraghni, Nicolas Charalambakis, 2022
My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary
Leila Khaled, George Hajjar, 1975
The Ordering of Time: Meditations on the History of Philosophy
George Lucas, 2020
America's Longest War (The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975)
George C. Herring, 2014
Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces (Historical Materialism Book, 238)
George García-Quesada, University of Costa Rica, 2021
Elders’ Cultural Knowledges and the Question of Black/ African Indigeneity in Education
George J. Sefa Dei, Wambui Karanja, Grace Erger, 2022
A Hinge of History: Governance in an Emerging New World
George P. Shultz, James Timbie, 2020
The Real George Eliott
Lisa Tippings, 2021
Narratives and Journeys in Rock Art: A Reader
George Nash, Aron Mazel, 2019
ICT Education: 49th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association, SACLA 2020, Virtual Event, July 6–9, 2020, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science)
George Wells (editor), Monelo Nxozi (editor), Bobby Tait (editor), 2021
Much Embarrassed: Civil War, Intelligence and the Gettysburg Campaign
George Donne, 2016
The pony fish's glow and other clues to plan
George Williams
Religious Pluralism in The West: An Anthology
David George Mullan, 1998
Warlords Artists and Commoners: Japan in the Sixteenth Century
George Elison (editor), Bardwell L. Smith (editor), 1987
Lords of the Press
George Seldes, 1938
Lectures in Logic and Set Theory. Volume 1: Mathematical Logic
George Tourlakis, 2003
Collecting the Globe: The Salem East India Marine Society Museum
George H. Schwartz, 2020
Entender las Sagradas Escrituras : el enfoque adventista
George W. Reid, 2010