نتایج جستجو

Damascus and pattern-welded steels: Forging blades since the iron age
Madeleine Durand-Charre, 2014
Damascus: A History
Ross Burns, 2019
The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies in the Makings of an Umayyad Visual Culture
Finbarr Barry Flood, 2001
The Great Mosque of Damascus studies on the makings of an Umayyad visual culture
Finbarr Barry Flood, 2000
Dancing in Damascus : creativity, resilience, and the Syrian revolution
Miriam Cooke, 2017
War Victims and the Right to a City: From Damascus to Zaatari
Hind Al-Shoubaki, 2022
Damaskus, ein Wort zur Abwehr: Nebst einem Verzeichniss der Schriften des Verfassers
Dr. L. Zunz (auth.), 1859
Another Road to Damascus: An Integrative Approach to 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri (1808-1883)
Tom Woerner-Powell, 2017
A journey to Damascus through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petraea, Palestine, and Syria
Robert Stewart Castlereagh, 1847
A journey to Damascus through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petraea, Palestine, and Syria
Robert Stewart Castlereagh, 1847
אלי כהן: האיש שלנו בדמשק
א. בן חנן
Evolutionary Ecology of Marsupials (Monographs on Marsupial Biology)
Anthony K. Lee, Andrew Cockburn, 1985
Членистоногие, моллюски, иглокожие, оболочники
Бронштейн З.С., 1935
The Cytoskeleton of Flagellate and Ciliate Protists
Dr. Michael Melkonian, 1991