نتایج جستجو

The historical and archaeological dictionary. English-Russian, Russian-English
Алексеева О.Е., 1993
The Russian Century: A Hundred Years of Russian Lives
George Pahomov, 2008
The Russian Century: A Hundred Years of Russian Lives
George Pahomov, 2008
The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian Elite and Mass Perspectives, 1993-2000
William Zimmerman, 2002
The Russian Presidency: Society and Politics in the Second Russian Republic
Thomas M. Nichols, 1999
The Russian Presidency: Society and Politics in the Second Russian Republic
Thomas M. Nichols (auth.), 1999
Англо-русский и русско-английский нефтегазопромысловый словарь English-russian & Russian-english Dictionary on Oil & Gas
Булатов А.И.A.I. Bulatov, 1999
A Guide to English–Russian and Russian–English Non-literary Translation
Alexandr Zaytsev (auth.), 2016