نتایج جستجو

Advanced Cosmetic Otoplasty: Art, Science, and New Clinical Techniques
Jeremiah C. Tracy M.D., Arnold S. Lee M.D., Andrew R. Scott M.D. (auth.), Melvin A. Shiffman (eds.), 2013
Software-Architektur Grundlagen - Konzepte - Praxis
Oliver Vogel, Ingo Arnold, Arif Chughtai, Edmund Ihler, Timo Kehrer, Uwe Mehlig, Uwe Zdun, 2008
Software-Architektur: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Praxis
Oliver Vogel, Ingo Arnold, Arif Chughtai, Edmund Ihler, Timo Kehrer, Uwe Mehlig, Uwe Zdun, 2009
Software-Architektur: Grundlagen – Konzepte – Praxis, 2. Auflage
Oliver Vogel, Ingo Arnold, Arif Chughtai, Edmund Ihler, Timo Kehrer, Uwe Mehlig, Uwe Zdun, 2008
Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services
Nejat Ince, Arnold Bragg (Editors), 2007
Recent advances in modeling and simulation tools for communication networks and services
ANejat Ince; Arnold Bragg; European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization). COST Action 285 (Project), 2007
Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services
Professor A. Nejat Ince (auth.), Professor A. Nejat Ince, Dr. Arnold Bragg (eds.), 2007
100 Cases in Surgery (A Hodder Arnold Publication)
James Gossage, Bijan Modarai, Arun Sahai, Richard Worth, 2007
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network Control for Mechanical Systems: Design, Analysis and Matlab Simulation
Nejat Ince, Arnold Bragg (Editors), 2013
Corporate Governance by Banks in Transition Economies: The Polish Experience
Arnold Holle (auth.), 1998
Morning, noon & night : finding the meaning of life's stages through books
Weinstein, Arnold L, 2011
Advances in Directional and Linear Statistics: A Festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka
Barry C. Arnold, Ashis SenGupta (auth.), Martin T. Wells, Ashis SenGupta (eds.), 2011
100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (A Hodder Arnold Publication)
Cecilia Bottomley, Janice Rymer, 2008
Theoretical Computer Science: Essays in Memory of Shimon Even
Pierre Fraigniaud, David Ilcinkas, Sergio Rajsbaum (auth.), Oded Goldreich, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Alan L. Selman (eds.), 2006
An introduction to Bayesian inference in econometrics
Arnold Zellner, 1996
An introduction to Bayesian inference in econometrics
Arnold Zellner, 1996
Treatise on Biblical Rhetoric
Roland Meynet, Leo Arnold, Rubianto Solichin, Llane B. Briese, 2012
Bedenke, dass du sterben wirst
Daniela Arnold, 2015
Computer Algebra: EUROCAM '82, European Computer Algebra Conference Marseille, France 5–7 April 1982
Arnold Schönhage (auth.), Jacques Calmet (eds.), 1982
A functional analysis approach to Arnold diffusion
Berti M., Bolle P.
A first course in order statistics
Barry C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, H. N. Nagaraja, 2008
Atlas of the Newborn, Volume 1 - Volume5
Arnold Rudolph MD, 1997
Imposing Values: An Essay on Liberalism and Regulation (Oxford Political Philosophy)
N Scott Arnold, 2009
Image and Video Retrieval: Third International Conference, CIVR 2004, Dublin, Ireland, July 21-23, 2004. Proceedings
Shih-Fu Chang (auth.), Peter Enser, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Noel E. O’Connor, Alan F. Smeaton, Arnold W. M. Smeulders (eds.), 2004