نتایج جستجو

Stalin on Linguistics and other Essays
Piers Gray (auth.), 2002
Victims of Stalin and Hitler: The Exodus of Poles and Balts to Britain
Thomas Lane, 2005
Victims of Stalin and Hitler: The Exodus of Poles and Balts to Britain
Thomas Lane (auth.), 2004
The Gulag at War: Stalin’s Forced Labour System in the Light of the Archives
Edwin Bacon (auth.), 1996
The Soviet Union since Stalin
Stephen F. Cohen, 1980
Roosevelt and Stalin : portrait of a partnership
Butler, Susan, 2015
What Stalin knew : the enigma of Barbarossa
David E Murphy, 2005
The Unknown Stalin
Roy Medvedev, 2003
The Unknown Stalin
Roy Medvedev, 2003
The Lost Politburo Transcripts: From Collective Rule to Stalin's Dictatorship
Paul R. Gregory, 2008
The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939
John Arch Getty, 1999
„Meine antisowjetische Tätigkeit...“: Russische Physiker unter Stalin
Gennady Gorelik (auth.), 1995
The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia
Richard Overy, 2005
Between Stalin and Hitler: Class War and Race War on the Dvina, 1940-46
Geoffrey Swain, 2004
Plans for Stalin’s War Machine: Tukhachevskii and Military-Economic Planning, 1925–1941
Lennart Samuelson (auth.), 2000
Russian Tanks of World War II: Stalin's Armoured Might
Joseph Page, 2002
Soviet Cinema: Politics and Persuasion Under Stalin
Miller Jamie, 2010
Soviet Russian Literature since Stalin
Deming Bronson Brown, 1979
Soviet Russian Literature since Stalin
Deming Bronson Brown, 1978