نتایج جستجو

Educated Fiji English: Lexico-grammar and variety status
Lena Zipp, 2014
Gender and equality in Muslim family law : justice and ethics in the Islamic legal process
Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Lena Larsen, Christian Moe, Kari Vogt, 2013
An Atlas of Amplitude-Integrated EEGs in the Newborn (2nd Edition) (Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series)
Lena Hellström-Westas, Ingmar Rosen, Linda S. de Vries, 2008
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Gora, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Dr. Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber (auth.), 2007
Aspects of women in antiquity: proceedings of the first Nordic Symposium on Women's Lives in Antiquity, Göteborg 12 - 15 June 1997, Volume 1997
Lena Larsson Lovén, Agneta Strömberg (eds.), 1998
Aspects of women in antiquity: proceedings of the first Nordic Symposium on Women's Lives in Antiquity, Göteborg 12 - 15 June 1997, Volume 1997
Lena Larsson Lovén, Agneta Strömberg (eds.), 1998
Spatio-temporal Approaches: Geographic Objects and Change Process
Hélène Mathian, Lena Sanders, 2015
Successful Prevention and Youth Development Programs: Across Borders
Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Håkan Stattin, Carolyn Cass Lorente, Jonathan G. Tubman, Lena Adamson (auth.), 2004
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 9th International Conference, FQAS 2011, Ghent, Belgium, October 26-28, 2011 Proceedings
Katsumi Inoue, Lena Wiese (auth.), Henning Christiansen, Guy De Tré, Adnan Yazici, Slawomir Zadrozny, Troels Andreasen, Henrik Legind Larsen (eds.), 2011
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 9th International Conference, FQAS 2011, Ghent, Belgium, October 26-28, 2011 Proceedings
Katsumi Inoue, Lena Wiese (auth.), Henning Christiansen, Guy De Tré, Adnan Yazici, Slawomir Zadrozny, Troels Andreasen, Henrik Legind Larsen (eds.), 2011
Eternal Systems: First InternationalWorkshop, EternalS 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May 3, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Tiziana Margaria, Ina Schaefer, Bernhard Steffen (auth.), Alessandro Moschitti, Riccardo Scandariato (eds.), 2012
International Employer Brand Management: A Multilevel Analysis and Segmentation of Students' Preferences
Lena Christiaans (auth.), 2013
Food Science and Security
Louis Amsel, Lena Hirsch, 2009
Process Design for Natural Scientists: An Agile Model-Driven Approach
Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Tiziana Margaria (eds.), 2014
Lena Gemzöe, 2002
Feminist Social Work
Lena Dominelli, Eileen McLeod (auth.), 1989
Twenty-Five 5-Minute Power Scenes (Scene Study Series)
Lena Harris, 2005
In Search of the Broad Spectrum Revolution in Paleolithic Southwest Europe
Emily Lena Jones (auth.), 2016
Retail Analytics: Integrated Forecasting and Inventory Management for Perishable Products in Retailing
Anna-Lena Sachs (auth.), 2015
Sociology for Social Work
Lena Dominelli (auth.), 1997