نتایج جستجو

Advances in Pattern Recognition: Second Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR 2010, Puebla, Mexico, September 27-29, 2010. Proceedings
Pavel Herrera-Domínguez, Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles (auth.), José Francisco Martínez-Trinidad, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, Josef Kittler (eds.), 2010
Advances in Pattern Recognition: Second Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR 2010, Puebla, Mexico, September 27-29, 2010. Proceedings
Pavel Herrera-Domínguez, Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles (auth.), José Francisco Martínez-Trinidad, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, Josef Kittler (eds.), 2010
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment: Third International Conference, DIMVA 2006, Berlin, Germany, July 13-14, 2006. Proceedings
Ebrima N. Ceesay, Jingmin Zhou, Michael Gertz, Karl Levitt, Matt Bishop (auth.), Roland Büschkes, Pavel Laskov (eds.), 2006
Automata, Languages and Programming: 21st International Colloquium, ICALP 94 Jerusalem, Israel, July 11–14, 1994 Proceedings
Pavel Pudlák (auth.), Serge Abiteboul, Eli Shamir (eds.), 1994
The Russian Kettlebell Challenge: Xtreme Fitness for Hard Living Comrades
Pavel Tsatsouline, 2001
Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012: 9th International Symposium on Neural Networks, Shenyang, China, July 11-14, 2012. Proceedings, Part I
Alexander A. Frolov, Dušan Húsek, Pavel Yu. Polyakov (auth.), Jun Wang, Gary G. Yen, Marios M. Polycarpou (eds.), 2012
Quantum Waveguides
Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovarík, 2015
Quantum Waveguides
Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovařík (auth.), 2015
Metalearning: Applications to Data Mining
Pavel Brazdil, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Carlos Soares, Ricardo Vilalta (auth.), 2009
Metalearning: Applications to Data Mining
Pavel Brazdil, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Carlos Soares, Ricardo Vilalta (auth.), 2009
Applying priming methods to L2 learning, teaching and research : insights from psycholinguistics
Pavel Trofimovich; Kim McDonough, 2011
Smart City 360°: First EAI International Summit, Smart City 360°, Bratislava, Slovakia and Toronto, Canada, October 13-16, 2015. Revised Selected Papers
Alberto Leon-Garcia, Radim Lenort, David Holman, David Staš, Veronika Krutilova, Pavel Wicher, Dagmar Cagáňová, Daniela Špirková, Julius Golej, Kim Nguyen, 2016
Quantum fields and strings: A course for mathematicians
Pierre Deligne, Pavel Etingof, Daniel S. Freed, Lisa C. Jeffrey, David Kazhdan, John W. Morgan, David R. Morrison, Edward Witten, 1999
Quantum fields and strings: A course for mathematicians
Pierre Deligne, Pavel Etingof, Daniel S. Freed, Lisa C. Jeffrey, David Kazhdan, John W. Morgan, David R. Morrison, Edward Witten, 1999
Journal on Data Semantics VIII
Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo, Ilya Zaihrayeu (eds.), 2007
Journal on Data Semantics VIII
Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo, Ilya Zaihrayeu (eds.), 2007
Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings
Vitor Pereira, Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, Miguel Rio, Pedro Sousa (auth.), Guillaume Doyen, Martin Waldburger, Pavel Čeleda, Anna Sperotto, Burkhard Stiller (eds.), 2013
Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement: Proceedings of the First International Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement AECIA 2014
Ajith Abraham, Pavel Krömer, Vaclav Snasel (eds.), 2015
Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, IBICA 2013, August 22 -24, 2013 - Ostrava, Czech Republic
Ladislav Zjavka, Václav Snášel (auth.), Ajith Abraham, Pavel Krömer, Václav Snášel (eds.), 2014
Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2015) held in Kochi, India during December 16-18, 2015
Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Pavel Krömer, Millie Pant, Azah Kamilah Muda (eds.), 2016
Mathematical Theory of Oil and Gas Recovery: With Applications to ex-USSR Oil and Gas Fields
Pavel Bedrikovetsky (auth.), Gren Rowan (eds.), 1993