نتایج جستجو

Poison compensation with the xenon override
Owsley, G.F.; Hanford Atomic Products Operation.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; Hanford Site (Wash. ).; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1962
Primer on spontaneous heating and pyrophoricity
United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1994
Quantum mechanics of neutrino oscillations - hand waving for pedestrians
Lipkin, H. J.; Argonne National Lab.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1999
Recent Developments in Neutrino Science : A Whole Lot About Almost Nothing
E B Norman; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2005
Epremian, E. ed.; Division of Research, AEC; United States. Dept. of Energy.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Technical Information.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1956
Instant fireball yield
Born, D. R.; Woodward, E. C.; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1962
Justice et sécurité Politiques pénales et sécurité La justice antiterroriste en France Justice et sécurité en Europe
Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice, 2012
Searching and seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence in criminal investigations
Orin S Kerr; United States. Dept. of Justice. Computer Crime, 2002
The Mueller Report
US Dept Justice, 2019
Building a Future on Peace and Justice: Studies on Transitional Justice, Peace and Development The Nuremberg Declaration on Peace and Justice
Kai Ambos, Judith Large, Marieke Wierda, 2008
Water supply, sources and general consideration
United States. Dept. of the Army, 1987
Combat training of the individual soldier and patrolling
Demetri Boris Shimkin; Alexander Shimkin; United States. Dept. of the Army
Detail specifications for building 80-ft. motor torpedo boats, PT's 103-138 : hull and machinery
Electric Boat Company.; United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Ships, 1944
Heat Treatment Procedure Qualification (Steel)
Pennsylvania State University US Dept of Energy
Credibility Theory
Goovaerts, J. and Hoogstad, W.J. and Nationale-Nederlanden N.V. Research Dept, 1987
Composite Materials Handbook-MIL 17: Polymer Matrix Composites: Materials Properties
Us Dept Of Defense, 2000
Cash management made easy
U.S. Dept of Treasury, 2002
Critical dimensions of water-tamped slabs and spheres of active material
Teller, E.; Frankel, M. E.; Konopinski, E. J.; Marvin, C.; Chew, G.; Greuling, E.; Argo, H.; Los Alamos National Laboratory.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.; Argonne National Lab.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 1946
Analysis of Rod Removal Transient Experiments in VVER Reactors at Zero Power
Difillippo, F.C.; USDOE Office of Fissile Materials Disposition (MD) (US); Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Operator's manual for 66mm light antitank weapon system M72A1, M72A2 with coupler, M72A3 and practice rocket launcher M190 with M73 practice rocket
United States. Dept. of the Army, 1989
Production of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in natural waters
R. John Gibson, Richard E. Cutting, National Research Council Canada, Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, 1993
Loss of spent fuel pool cooling PRA : Model and results
Beck, S.; Khericha, S.; Blackman, H.; Siu, N.; Conroy, S.; Lockheed Idaho Technologies Co., Idaho Falls, ID (United States); United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy.; Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 1996
A Scenario Tree-Based Decomposition for Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs: With Application in Energy Production
Adam Leonard Lyon; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Dept. of Physics, 2011