نتایج جستجو

Initial Guidance for an Update of the National Vaccine Plan: A Letter Report to the National Vaccine Program Office
Committee on the Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan, 2008
Integrity in Scientific Research
Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments, 2002
Legal Strategies in Childhood Obesity Prevention: Workshop Summary
Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention, 2011
Making Better Drugs for Children with Cancer
Committee on Shortening the Time Line for New Cancer Treatments, Institute of Medicine, 2005
Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, Division of Earth, 2001
Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, Division of Earth, 2001
Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committees
Committee to Study the Use of Advisory Committees, 1992
Food Labeling: Toward National Uniformity
Committee on State Food Labeling, 1992
Future Directions for the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports
Committee on Future Directions for the National Healthcare Quality, 2010
Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century
Committee on Assuring the Health of the Institute of Medicine, 2002
Geographic Adjustment in Medicare Payment: Phase I: Improving Accuracy, Second Edition
Committee on Geographic Adjustment Factors in Medicare Payment, 2011
Geographic Adjustment in Medicare Payment: Phase II: Implications for Access, Quality, and Efficiency
Committee on Geographic Adjustment Factors in Medicare Payment, 2012
Gulf War and Health: Updated Literature Review of Depleted Uranium
Committee on Gulf War, 2008
Health and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences
Institute of Medicine Committee on Health Behavior Institute of Medicine, 2001
Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care
Committee on Patient Safety
Ensuring Safe Food: From Production to Consumption
Committee to Ensure Safe Food from Production to Consumption, Institute of Medicine, 1998
Ensuring Safe Foods and Medical Products Through Stronger Regulatory Systems Abroad
Committee on Strengthening Core Elements of Regulatory Systems in Developing Countries, 2012
Environmental Decisions in the Face of Uncertainty
Committee on Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Board on Population Health, 2013
Epidemiologic Studies of Veterans Exposed to Depleted Uranium: Feasibility and Design Issues
Committee on Gulf War, 2008
Ethical and scientific issues in studying the safety of approved drugs
Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Ethical, 2012
Examining Core Elements of International Research Collaboration: Summary of a Workshop
Planning Committee for the Workshop on Examining Core Elements of International Collaboration, Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, Policy, 2011
Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America's Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads
Committee on Underrepresented Groups, 2011
Extending Medicare Reimbursement in Clinical Trials
Committee on Routine Patient Care Costs in Clinical Trials for Medicare Beneficiaries, 2000
Fluid Resuscitation: State of the Science for Treating Combat Casualties and Civilian Injuries
Committee on Fluid Resuscitation for Combat Casualties, 1999