نتایج جستجو

Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church
Christian Smith, Kyle Longest, Jonathan Hill, Kari Christoffersen, 2014
Young Europeans, Work and Family (Routledge Esa Studies in European Societies)
Julia Brannen (Editor), Susan Lewis (Editor), Anne Nilsen (Editor), 2002
Toxicology of 1 - 3-Beta-Glucans: Glucans as a Marker for Fungal Exposure
Shih-Houng YoungPh.D., Vincent Castranova, 2005
Toxicology of 1 - 3-Beta-Glucans: Glucans as a Marker for Fungal Exposure
Shih-Houng YoungPh.D., Vincent Castranova, 2005
Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th Edition
Barbara Young BScMed Sci(Hons)PhDMBBChirMRCPFRCPA, James S. Lowe BMedSciBMBSDMFRCPath, Alan Stevens MBBSFRCPath, John W. Heath BSc(Hons)(Melbourne)PhD(Melbourne), Philip J. Deakin BSc(Hons)MBChB(Sheffield), 2006
A Short Textbook of Clinical Imaging
M. Rubens (auth.), David Sutton MD, FRCP, FRCR, DMRD, Jeremy W. R. Young MA, BM, BCh, FRCR (eds.), 1990
Computer Information Systems – Analysis and Technologies: 10th International Conference, CISIM 2011, Kolkata, India, December 14-16, 2011. Proceedings
Young Im Cho (auth.), Nabendu Chaki, Agostino Cortesi (eds.), 2011
Computer Information Systems – Analysis and Technologies: 10th International Conference, CISIM 2011, Kolkata, India, December 14-16, 2011. Proceedings
Young Im Cho (auth.), Nabendu Chaki, Agostino Cortesi (eds.), 2011
Future Information Technology: FutureTech 2013
Chang Won Jeong, Young Sik Jeong, Jinseok Lee (auth.), James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Ivan Stojmenovic, Min Choi, Fatos Xhafa (eds.), 2014
Alcohol Advertising and Young People's Drinking: Representation, Reception and Regulation
Barrie Gunter, Anders Hansen, Maria Touri, 2010
Alcohol Advertising and Young People’s Drinking: Representation, Reception and Regulation
Barrie Gunter, Anders Hansen, Maria Touri (auth.), 2010
Children as Consumers: A Psychological Analysis of the Young People's Market
Adrian Furnham, Barrie Gunter, 1998
Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display
Fumio Okano, Jun Arai, Kohji Mitani, Makoto Okui (auth.), Bahram Javidi, Fumio Okano, Jung-Young Son (eds.), 2009
Concrete (2nd Edition)
Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin, 2002
Concrete Mindess
Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin, 2002
Authentic Beauty. The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman
Leslie Ludy, 2007
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Notes
M. a. Valerie Pursel Zimbaro, Henry James, 1990
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 6th International Symposium, ATVA 2008, Seoul, Korea, October 20-23, 2008. Proceedings
Sriram K. Rajamani (auth.), Sungdeok (Steve) Cha, Jin-Young Choi, Moonzoo Kim, Insup Lee, Mahesh Viswanathan (eds.), 2008
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 6th International Symposium, ATVA 2008, Seoul, Korea, October 20-23, 2008. Proceedings
Sriram K. Rajamani (auth.), Sungdeok (Steve) Cha, Jin-Young Choi, Moonzoo Kim, Insup Lee, Mahesh Viswanathan (eds.), 2008
Freedom Song: Young Voices and the Struggle for Civil Rights
Mary C. Turck, 2008
Norbert Elias's Lost Research: Revisiting the Young Worker Project
Henrietta, Dr O'Connor & John, Mr Goodwin, 2014
ALERT • Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment: Volume 2: Normal Tissue Specific Sites and Systems
Susannah Yovino, Young Kwok (auth.), Philip Rubin, Louis S. Constine, Lawrence B. Marks (eds.), 2014