نتایج جستجو

Direct Marketing in Practice (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback))
Matthew Housden Brian Thomas, 2002
Direct Marketing in Practice (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
Matthew Housden, Brian Thomas, 2002
Excellence in Advertising, Second Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
Leslie Butterfield, 1999
Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Internal Marketing (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
Pervaiz K. Ahmed, Mohammed Rafiq, 2002
Guía de los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos (guía del PMBOK®)
Project Management Institute - PMI, 2013
Options: Essential concepts and trading strategies
The Options Institute, 1999
Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
Options Institute, 1995
Careers in Natural and Organic Foods Retailing
Institute for Career Research, 2009
Governance of the Extended Enterprise: Bridging Business and IT Strategies
IT Governance Institute, 2005
Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research
Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information: The HIPAA Privacy Rule, Institute of Medicine, 2009
Advanced Geostatistics in the Mining Industry: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the Istituto di Geologia Applicata of the University of Rome, Italy, 13–25 October 1975
G. Matheron (auth.), Massimo Guarascio, Michel David, Charles Huijbregts (eds.), 1976
Foundations of Electrodynamics
S.R. de Groot and L.G. Suttorp (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam), 1972
Career As a Dispensing Optician
Institute for Career Research, 2010
Achieving Objectives Through Time Management
Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), 2007
Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Lectures Presented at a Workshop at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany, Jan 15 – 21, 2012
K. R. Arun, M. Lukáčová-Medvidová (auth.), Rainer Ansorge, Hester Bijl, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar (eds.), 2013
Computational Aspects of Complex Analysis: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Braunlage, Harz, Germany, July 26 – August 6, 1982
Claude Brezinski (auth.), H. Werner, L. Wuytack, E. Ng, H. J. Bünger (eds.), 1983
Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-pitaevskii Equations: Wolfgang Pauli Institute 2006 Thematic Program January-december, 2006 Vienna, Austria
Alberto Farina, Jean-claude Saut (ed.), 2008
Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, and Totalitarianism (Publications of the German Historical Institute)
Peter Baehr, Melvin Richter, 2004