نتایج جستجو

Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2016) held in Porto, ... Systems and Computing (557), Band 557)
Ana Maria Madureira (editor), Ajith Abraham (editor), Dorabela Gamboa (editor), Paulo Novais (editor), 2017
Understanding Recruitment to Organized Crime and Terrorism
David Weisburd (editor), Ernesto U. Savona (editor), Badi Hasisi (editor), Francesco Calderoni (editor), 2020
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and the diffusion of startups
Sharon A. Alvarez (editor); Giovanni Battista Dagnino (editor); Rosario Faraci (editor); Elias G. Carayannis (editor), 2018
A comprehensive guide to music therapy : theory, clinical practice, research, and training = edited by Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Inge Nygaard Pedersen and Lars Ole Bonde ; foreword by Helen Odell-Miller.
Lars Ole Bonde (editor); Stine Lindahl Jacobsen (editor); Inge Nygaard Pedersen (editor); Tony Wigram (editor), 2019
Recent Advances in Natural Products Analysis
Seyed Mohammad Nabavi (editor), Ana Sanches Silva (editor), Mina Saeedi (editor), Seyed Fazel Nabavi (editor), 2019
Big Data in Astronomy: Scientific Data Processing for Advanced Radio Telescopes
Linghe Kong (editor), Tian Huang (editor), Yongxin Zhu (editor), Shenghua Yu (editor), 2020
Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices: Applications and Challenges (Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare)
Nilanjan Dey (editor), Amira S. Ashour (editor), Simon James Fong PhD (editor), Chintan Bhatt Ph.D (editor), 2019
Protocols and applications for the industrial internet of things
Cristian Gonzalez Garcia (editor); Vicente García Díaz (editor); Begona Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo (editor); Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle (editor), 2018
Gerusalemme. Storia di una città-mondo
Vincent Lemire (editor), K. Berthelot (editor), J. Loiseau (editor), Y. Potin (editor), 2017
Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications - Computational Memory, Deep Learning, and ... Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)
Sabina Spiga (editor), Abu Sebastian (editor), Damien Querlioz (editor), Bipin Rajendran (editor), 2020
The Atkins Diet and Philosophy: Chewing the Fat with Kant and Nietzsche (Popular Culture and Philosophy Book 14)
Lisa Heldke (editor), Kerri Mommer (editor), Cynthia Pineo (editor), William Irwin (editor), 2013
The Development and Structure of Conscience
Willem Koops (editor), Daniel Brugman (editor), Tamara J. Ferguson (editor), Andries F. Sanders (editor), 2009
Biofuels for a More Sustainable Future: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Jingzheng Ren (editor), Antonio Scipioni (editor), Alessandro Manzardo (editor), Hanwei Liang (editor), 2019
I vaccini fanno bene. Perché dobbiamo credere nella scienza per difenderci da virus e batteri
G. Forni (editor), A. Mantovani (editor), L. Moretta (editor), G. Rezza (editor), 2020
Disorders of the shoulder : diagnosis & management volume 3
Joseph David Zuckerman (editor); Anthony Miniaci (editor); Jr. Gerald R. Williams (editor); Joseph P. Iannotti (editor), 2014
Vocal Communication in Birds and Mammals (Volume 40) (Advances in the Study of Behavior (Volume 40))
Marc Naguib (editor), Vincent Janik (editor), Nicola Clayton (editor), Klaus Zuberbuhler (editor), 2009
Advancement in Crop Improvement Techniques
Narendra Tuteja (editor), Renu Tuteja (editor), Nishat Passricha (editor), Shabnam Saifi (editor), 2020
Innovative Energetic Materials: Properties, Combustion Performance and Application
WeiQiang Pang (editor), Luigi T. DeLuca (editor), Alejandro A. Gromov (editor), Adam S. Cumming (editor), 2020
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing for Mobile Communications and Wireless Networks
Krishna Kant Singh (editor), Akansha Singh (editor), Korhan Cengiz (editor), Dac-Nhuong Le (editor), 2020
Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications: Selected Papers from the 7th World Conference on Soft ... Fuzziness and Soft Computing (393), Band 393)
Shahnaz N. Shahbazova (editor), Janusz Kacprzyk (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), Vladik Kreinovich (editor), 2020
Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader (Feminist Technosciences)
Cyd Cipolla hD (editor), Kristina Gupta hD (editor), David A. Rubin hD (editor), Angela Willey hD (editor), 2017
Phenotypic Switching: Implications in Biology and Medicine
Herbert Levine (editor), Mohit Kumar Jolly (editor), Prakash Kulkarni (editor), Vidyanand Nanjundiah (editor), 2020
Urban Ecology: Emerging Patterns and Social-Ecological Systems
Pramit Verma (editor), Pardeep Singh (editor), Rishikesh Singh (editor), A. S. Raghubanshi (editor), 2020
Pharmacy management : essentials for all practice settings
Leticia R. Moczygemba (editor); Greg L. Alston (editor); David P. Zgarrick (editor); Shane P. Desselle (editor), 2020