نتایج جستجو

Excluded Volume Effects in Polymer Solutions: as Explained by the Renormalization Group
Professor Dr. Lothar Schäfer (auth.), 1999
Heterojunctions and Semiconductor Superlattices: Proceedings of the Winter School Les Houches, France, March 12–21, 1985
L. Esaki (auth.), Dr. Guy Allan, Dr. Michel Lannoo, Dr. Gérald Bastard, Dr. Michel Voos, Professor Nino Boccara (eds.), 1986
Golf Balls, Boomerangs and Asteroids: The Impact of Missiles on Society
Professor Brian H. Kaye(auth.), 1996
Self Organizing Maps - Applications and Novel Algorithm Design
Professor Teuvo Kohonen (auth.), 2011
Self-Organizing Maps
Professor Teuvo Kohonen (auth.), 2010
Self-Organizing Maps
Professor Teuvo Kohonen (auth.), 1997
Self-Organizing Maps
Professor Teuvo Kohonen (auth.), 2001
Self-Organizing Maps
Professor Teuvo Kohonen (auth.), 1995
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation: High-Resolution Studies of Molecules and Molecular Adsorbates on Surfaces
W. Eberhardt (auth.), Professor Dr. Wolfgang Eberhardt (eds.), 1995
Collective Phenomena in Synchrotron Radiation Sources: Prediction, Diagnostics, Countermeasures
Professor Dr. Shaukat Khan (auth.), 2006
Biology of Negative Strand RNA Viruses: The Power of Reverse Genetics
K. K. Conzelmann (auth.), Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka DVM, PhD (eds.), 2004
Dynamics, Bifurcations, and Control
Diego M. Alonso, Eduardo E. Paolini, Jorge L. Moiola (auth.), Professor Fritz Colonius, Dr. Lars Grüne (eds.), 2002
Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory: Feminism and Retelling the Tale
Professor Veronica L Schanoes, 2014
Biomechanics of the Locomotor Apparatus: Contributions on the Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor Apparatus
Professor Friedrich Pauwels Dr. med., Dr. med. h. c., Dr. Ing. E. h. (auth.), 1980
Chondrogenesis of the Somitic Mesoderm
Professor Dr. Brian K. Hall (auth.), 1977
Dissecting the Molecular Anatomy of Tissue
Christopher A. Moskaluk (auth.), Professor Michael R. Emmert-Buck, Dr. John W. Gillespie, Dr. Rodrigo F. Chuaqui (eds.), 2005
The Cellular Aspects of Biorhythms: Symposium on Rhythmic Research Sponsored by the VIIIth International Congress of Anatomy Wiesbaden 8.–14. August 1965
Erwin Bünning (auth.), Professor Dr. H. von Mayersbach (eds.), 1967
84. Kongreß: Gehalten zu Wiesbaden vom 2.-6. April 1978
M. Eggstein (auth.), Professor Dr. B. Schlegel (eds.), 1978
Achtundfünfzigster Kongress: Gehalten zu Wiesbaden vom 21.–26. April 1952
Ph. Klee (auth.), Professor Dr. Fr. Kauffmann (eds.), 1952
Achtundsiebzigster Kongress: Gehalten zu Wiesbaden vom 9. April–13. April 1972
H. A. Krebs (auth.), Professor Dr. B. Schlegel (eds.), 1972
Ärztliche Propädeutik: Gespräch, Anamnese, Interview Einführung in die anthropologische Medizin — wissenschaftstheoretische und praktische Grundlagen
Professor Dr. Peter Hahn (auth.), 1988
Computeranwendungen bei Wachstumsproblemen in Biologie und Medizin: Einführung in die Theorie und exemplarische Darstellung der Praxis besonders an den Ergebnissen der Entwicklung des Zentralnervensystems
Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Kretschmann, Dr. Friedrich Wingert (auth.), 1971
Anatomie am Lebenden: Ein Ubungsprogramm fur Medizinstudenten
Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. Herbert Lippert (auth.), 1989
Anatomie kompakt
Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. Herbert Lippert (auth.), 1994