نتایج جستجو

Game Theory in Management Accounting: Implementing Incentives and Fairness (Contributions to Management Science)
David Mueller (editor), Ralf Trost (editor), 2017
Numerical Semigroups: IMNS 2018 (Springer INdAM Series (40))
Valentina Barucci (editor), Scott Chapman (editor), Marco D'Anna (editor), Ralf Fröberg (editor), 2020
An Introduction to Gröbner Bases
Ralf Fröberg, 1997
Organ Transplantation in Times of Donor Shortage: Challenges and Solutions
Ralf J. Jox, Galia Assadi, Georg Marckmann (eds.), 2016
Market Entry into the USA: Why European Companies Fail and How to Succeed
Ralf Drews, Melissa Lamson (auth.), 2016
Early Encounters Between East Asia and Europe: Telling Failures
Ralf Hertel; Michael Keevak
Photoionization and Photo-Induced Processes in Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals and Applications
Ralf Zimmermann; Luke Hanley, 2021
Big Data Management and Analytics: 9th European Summer School, eBISS 2019, Berlin, Germany, June 30 – July 5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Ralf-Detlef Kutsche; Esteban Zimányi, 2020
Herbal Medicine in Andrology: An Evidence-based Update
Ralf Henkel, Ashok Agarwal, 2020
Brennstoffzellensysteme in der Luftfahrt
Ralf Peters, 2015
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Vikas R. Dharnidharka (editor), Michael Green (editor), Steven A. Webber (editor), Ralf Ulrich Trappe (editor), 2021
Clinical Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical, Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
Orsolya Friedrich, Andreas Wolkenstein, Christoph Bublitz, Ralf J. Jox, Eric Racine, 2021
Homo Sociologicus
Ralf Dahrendorf, 1973
Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education: Results of the 19th MAVI Conference
Carola Bernack-Schüler, Ralf Erens, Timo Leuders, Andreas Eichler, 2015
Manual of Sperm Function Testing in Human Assisted Reproduction
Ashok Agarwal, Ralf Henkel, Ahmad Majzoub, 2021
Software Languages: Syntax, Semantics, and Metaprogramming
Ralf Lämmel, 2018
Populismus – Aufklärung – Demokratie
Ralf Mayer, Alfred Schäfee (eds.), 2019
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain: Literature, Media and Society
Sandra Dinter and Ralf Schneider, 2018
Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie
Theodor W. Adorno, Ralf Dahrendorf, Harald Pilot, Hans Albert, Jürgen Habermas, Karl R. Popper, 1972
The Ethics of Economic Responsibility
Ralf Lüfter, 2021