نتایج جستجو

Handbook of Research on Deep Learning Innovations and Trends
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ashraf Darwish Helwan, Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, 2019
Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice
Elsa Mentz, Roxanne Bailey, 2020
Learning Engineering Practice
James Trevelyan, 2020
Education as a Human Right: Principles for a Universal Entitlement to Learning
Tristan McCowan, 2013
Learning CoreDNS: Configuring DNS for Cloud Native Environments
John Belamaric, Cricket Liu, 2019
Practical Machine Learning in R
Fred Nwanganga, Mike Chapple, 2020
REAL : real English authentic learning. Grammar book. Teacher's edition
Kay Powell; Kay Powell; Netta Gorman, 2014
REAL : real English authentic learning. Grammar book 2
Kay Powell, 2014
Heuristics for Optimization and Learning
Farouk Yalaoui, Lionel Amodeo, El-Ghazali Talbi, 2020
Practising Learning and Development in South African Organisations
Melinde Coetzee, Jo-Anne Botha, Jerome Kiley, Kiru Truman, 2019
Machine Learning for Factor Investing: R Version
Guillaume Coqueret, Tony Guida, 2020
REAL : real English authentic learning 3. Grammar reference and practice. Teacher's edition
Kay Powell; Kay Powell; Netta Gorman, 2015
REAL : real English authentic learning. Skills book 2. Teacher's edition
Angelika Brunel; Becky McKnight; Sandra Cole, 2014
REAL : real English authentic learning. Skills book 3. Teacher's edition
Angelika Brunel; Becky McKnight; Sandra Cole, 2015
Kubeflow for Machine Learning: From Lab to Production
Trevor Grant, Holden Karau, Boris Lublinsky, Richard Liu, Ilan Filonenko, 2020
Python Machine Learning By Example
Yuxi Liu;, 2020
Learning Elastic Stack 7.0 : distributed search, analytics, and visualization using Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, and Kibana
Sharath Kumar M. N.; Pranav Shukla, 2019
Multi-Agent Coordination: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
Arup Kumar Sadhu; Amit Konar, 2020