نتایج جستجو

Leitfaden der Histologie des Menschen
Dr. Hermann Hoepke (auth.), 1950
Hermann Cohen’s Critical Idealism
Helmut Holzhey (auth.), Reinier Munk (eds.), 2005
Private Military and Security Companies: Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects
Dr. phil. Carlos Ortiz (auth.), Thomas Jäger, Gerhard Kümmel (eds.), 2007
Showtime. Formen und Folgen demonstrativer Gewalt
Lee Ann Fujii (auth.), Thomas Hoebel (forw.), Laura Wolters (forw.), Stefan Malthaner (forw.), Martha Finnemore (introd.), Elisabeth Jean Wood (epil.), 2022
European Perspectives on Taiwan
Jens Damm, Paul Lim (auth.), Jens Damm, Paul Lim (eds.), 2012
Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten: Begriffe, Sätze und zahlreiche Beispiele in kurzen Lerneinheiten
Christian Karpfinger (auth.), 2014
Spezielle pathologische Anatomie III: Drüsen mit innerer Sekretion, Geschlechtsorgane, Brustdrüse, Bewegungsapparat, Nervensystem
Dr. med. Wilhelm Doerr, Dr. med. Günter Ule (auth.), 1970
Neighbourhood Structure and Health Promotion
Christiane Stock, Anne Ellaway (auth.), Christiane Stock, Anne Ellaway (eds.), 2013
Population Change and Rural Society
David L. Brown, William A. Kandel (auth.), William A. Kandel, David L. Brown (eds.), 2006
Mitochondrial Medicine: Mitochondrial Metabolism, Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapy
Associate professor Anna Gvozdjáková Ph.D., D.Sc. (auth.), Associate professor Anna Gvozdjáková Ph.D., D.Sc. (eds.), 2008
Taking the Back off the Watch: A Personal Memoir
Thomas Gold (auth.), Simon Mitton (eds.), 2012
Variations of the Welfare State: Great Britain, Sweden, France and Germany Between Capitalism and Socialism
Franz-Xaver Kaufmann (auth.), 2013
Pentaerithrityltetranitrat: Vaskulärer oxidativer Stress: Mechanismen und therapeutische Möglichkeiten der Vasoprotektion durch NO
G. Kojda (auth.), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Georg Kojda (eds.), 2001
Secondary Education at the Crossroads: International Perspectives Relevant to the Asia-Pacific Region
Phillip Hughes (auth.), Phillip Hughes (eds.), 2006
European research reloaded: cooperation and europeanized states integration among europeanized states
Dr. Markus Haverland, Dr. Ronald Holzhacker (auth.), Dr. Ronald Holzhacker, Dr. Markus Haverland (eds.), 2006
Star Clusters and How to Observe Them
Mark Allison FRAS (auth.), 2006
Portal Hypertension: Pathobiology, Evaluation, and Treatment
Adrian Reuben MBBS, FRCP, Roberto J. Groszmann MD (auth.), Arun J. Sanyal MBBS, MD, Vijay H. Shah MD (eds.), 2005
Dr. Werner Pepperhoff (auth.), 1956
Computer Performance Optimization: Systems - Applications - Processes
Wolfgang W. Osterhage (auth.), 2013
Population, Resources and Development: Riding the Age Waves
Ian Pool, Vipan Prachuabmoh, Shripad Tuljapurkar (auth.), Shripad Tuljapurkar, Ian Pool, Vipan Prachuabmoh (eds.), 2005
Hepatitis E Virus: An Emerging Zoonotic and Foodborne Pathogen
Franco Maria Ruggeri, Ilaria Di Bartolo, Fabio Ostanello, Marcello Trevisani (auth.), 2013
Somatization and Psychosomatic Symptoms
Kyung Bong Koh M.D., Ph.D (auth.), Kyung Bong Koh (eds.), 2013
Het cardiovasculair formularium: Een praktische leidraad
Dr. R.A. Kraaijenhagen (auth.), P.R.M. van Dijkman, M.E.L. Bartelink, M. Rubens (eds.), 2014
Teaching: Professionalization, Development and Leadership: Festschrift for Professor Eric Hoyle
David Johnson, Dr. Rupert Maclean (auth.), David Johnson, Dr. Rupert Maclean (eds.), 2008