نتایج جستجو

Cultural competency for emergency and crisis management : concepts, theories and case studies
Brittany Haupt (editor); Claire Connolly Knox (editor), 2020
Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork
M. Ryan Bochnak (editor), Lisa Matthewson (editor), 2015
The Rise of AI:: Implications and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries (Volume 78) (Publications in Librarianship)
Sandy Hervieux (editor), Amanda Wheatley (editor), 2022
The Rise of AI:: Implications and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries (Volume 78) (Publications in Librarianship)
Sandy Hervieux (editor), Amanda Wheatley (editor), 2022
Machine Hallucinations: Architecture and Artificial Intelligence (Architectural Design)
Neil Leach (editor), Matias del Campo (editor), 2022
Machine Hallucinations: Architecture and Artificial Intelligence (Architectural Design)
Neil Leach (editor), Matias del Campo (editor), 2022
Women in Agriculture: Professionalizing Rural Life in North America and Europe, 1880-1965
Linda M. Ambrose (editor), Joan M. Jensen (editor), 2017
Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922
Frederico Delgado Rosa (editor), Han F. Vermeulen (editor), 2022
Salafism After the Arab Awakening: Contending with People's Power
Francesco Cavatorta (editor), Fabio Merone (editor), 2017
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Migration
Rubina Ramji (editor), Alison Marshall (editor), 2022
Assembling Health Rights in Global Context: Genealogies and Anthropologies
Alex Mold (editor), David Reubi (editor), 2013
Remapping Cold War Media: Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations
Alice Lovejoy (editor), Mari Pajala (editor), 2022
Managing Institutional Complexity
Stokke, Olav Schram,Oberthür, Sebastian. (editor); Olav Schram Stokke (editor), 2011
Environmental applications of carbon nanomaterials-based devices
Shadpour Esteleky Mallakpour (editor); Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain (editor), 2021
Mapping Impressionist Painting in Transnational Contexts
Emily C. Burns (editor), Alice M. Rudy Price (editor), 2021
Scribal Practice and the Global Cultures of Colophons, 1400–1800
Christopher D. Bahl (editor), Stefan Hanß (editor), 2022
The 1950s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction
Nick Bentley (editor), Alice Ferrebe (editor), 2018
The 1960s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction
James Riley (editor), Melanie Seddon (editor), 2018
Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective
Michael Meng (editor), Adam R. Seipp (editor), 2017
At the Heart of Work and Family: Engaging the Ideas of Arlie Hochschild
Anita Ilta Garey (editor), Karen V. Hansen (editor), 2011
Global Governance Futures
Thomas G. Weiss (editor), Rorden Wilkinson (editor), 2021
Tooth Wear: An Authoritative Reference for Dental Professionals and Students (BDJ Clinician’s Guides)
Andrew Eder (editor), Maurice Faigenblum (editor), 2022
Les dieux d’Homère III: Attributs onomastiques
Corinne Bonnet (editor), Gabriella Pironti (editor), 2021
Handbook of Research of Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems: An Integrative Approach to an Interconnected Future
Amit Kumar Tyagi (editor), Niladhuri Sreenath (editor), 2022