نتایج جستجو

Practical Machine Learning with Spark: Uncover Apache Spark’s Scalable Performance with High-Quality Algorithms Across NLP, Computer Vision and ML(English Edition)
Gourav Gupta, Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. Inder Singh Gupta, 2022
The Angry Island: Hunting the English
A.A. Gill, 2007
Англо-русский глоссарий торговой политики: English-Russian glossary of trade policy
А. П. Портанский, 2014
Early English Queens, 650–850: Speculum Reginae
Stefany Wragg, 2022
In Praise of Darkness (English and Spanish Edition)
Jorge Luis Borges, 1974
The Wordhord: Daily Life in Old English
Hana Videen, 2022
“Commodification of Contemporary Indian Fiction in English”
Susheel Kumar Sharma, 2019
Derek Walcott, the Journeyman Years, Volume 2: Performing Arts: Occasional Prose 1957-1974 (Cross/Cultures - Readings in Post/Colonial Literatures and Cultures in English, 172)
Christopher Balme (editor), Gordon Collier (editor), 2013
English Synonyms and Antonyms Workbooks: Volume II: Antonyms
Daniel B. Smith, 2020
English Synonyms and Antonyms Workbooks: Volume I: Synonyms
Daniel B. Smith, 2020
English Phrasal Verbs Ultimate Collection
Daniel B. Smith, 2020
English Idioms & Phrases Dictionary
Daniel B. Smith, 2019
The Routledge Concise History of Southeast Asian Writing in English
Rajeev S. Patke, Philip Holden, 2009
Mapping the Nation: An Anthology of Indian Poetry in English, 1870–1920
Sheshalatha Reddy, 2012