نتایج جستجو

OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
Bruce Wade (auth.), 2016
Practical D3.js
Tarek Amr, Rayna Stamboliyska (auth.), 2016
Beginning RPG Maker MV
Darrin Perez (auth.), 2016
Modern Fluid Dynamics for Physics and Astrophysics
Oded Regev, Orkan M. Umurhan, Philip A. Yecko (auth.), 2016
Model-Based Systems Engineering with OPM and SysML
Dov Dori (auth.), 2016
Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces—Higher Rank Spaces, Positive Definite Matrix Space and Generalizations
Audrey Terras (auth.), 2016
Enrico Fermi: The Obedient Genius
Giuseppe Bruzzaniti (auth.), 2016
Supply Chain Configuration: Concepts, Solutions, and Applications
Charu Chandra, Janis Grabis (auth.), 2016
Biomedical Research: An Insider’s Guide
Seward B. Rutkove (auth.), 2016
Comparative Physiology of the Vertebrate Kidney
William H. Dantzler (auth.), 2016
Machine Man and Other Writings
Julien Offray de la Mettrie (auth.), Ann Thomson (ed. trans.), 1996
The Marx-Engels Reader
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (auth.); Robert C. Tucker (ed.), 1978.
Thebais libri I-VII
Publius Papinius Statius (auth) D. R. Shackleton Bailey (editor), 2003
Henri Poincaré e a Teoria da Relatividade
Anatoly Alekseyevich Logunov [Auth.]; Ayni R, Capiberibe [Ed.], 2020
Metric Affine Geometry
Ernst Snapper and Robert J. Troyer (Auth.), 1971
Schwefel: Teil B — Lieferung 2. Schwefelsauerstoffsäuren
Alfons Kotowski (eds.), E. H. Erich Pietsch (auth.), 1960
Kupfer: Teil B — Lieferung 4
E. H. Erich Pietsch (auth.), E. H. Erich Pietsch (eds.), 1966
The Legacies of Transition Governments in Africa: The Cases of Benin and Togo
Jennifer C. Seely (auth.), 2009
Strange Beauty: Ecocritical Approaches to Early Medieval Landscape
Alfred K. Siewers (auth.), 2009
Bringing Desegregation Home: Memories of the Struggle toward School Integration in Rural North Carolina
Kate Willink (auth.), 2009
The Politics of Regional Integration in Latin America: Theoretical and Comparative Explorations
Olivier Dabène (auth.), 2009
Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia and Sensationalism
Alberto Gabriele (auth.), 2009
Community Colleges and Their Students: Co-construction and Organizational Identity
John S. Levin, Virginia Montero-Hernandez (auth.), 2009
Ovid and the Politics of Emotion in Elizabethan England
Cora Fox (auth.), 2009