نتایج جستجو

Readers, Reading and Reception of Translated Fiction in Chinese: Novel Encounters
Leo Tak-hung Chan, 2010
The Complete Prose Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin
Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin, translated by Gillon R. Aitken, 1996
Revolution in Danger: Writings from Russia, 1919-1921
Victor Serge, translated by Ian Birchall, 2018
Philo Mechanicus: "On Sieges": Translated with Introduction and Commentary
Whitehead, David, 2016
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Translated by Victor E. Marsden
The lives of Thomas Becket : selected sources translated and annotated
Michael Staunton, 2001
Heritage of Our Times
Ernst Bloch, translated by Neville and Stephen Plaice, 1991
Laughing and Crying: A Study of the Limits of Human Behavior
Helmuth Plessner, translated by James Spencer Churchill and Marjorie Grene, 1970
The Limits of Community: A Critique of Social Radicalism
Helmuth Plessner, translated by Andrew Wallace, 1999
Science and Method (Science et méthode)
Henri Poincaré (translated by Francis Maitland), 1914
Translated: Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, 2012
The British Edda Reconstructed & Literally Translated
WADDELL, L.A., 1930
Elements of a Philosophy of Technology: On the Evolutionary History of Culture (Posthumanities)
Ernst Kapp, Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Leif Weatherby (translated / Lauren K. Wolfe), 2018
History Of The Afghans: Translated From The Persian Of Neamet Ullah By Bernhard Dorn
Ni’mat-Allah / Neamet Ullah; transl. Bernhard Dorn, 1836
The chronicles of Scotland compiled by Hector Boece, translated into Scots by John Bellenden, 1531 ; edited in continuation of the work of the late Walter Seton, by R. W, Chambers and Edith C. Batho
Hector Boece; John Bellenden; Walter Seton; R. W, Chambers; Edith C. Batho, 1938
The chronicles of Scotland compiled by Hector Boece, translated into Scots by John Bellenden, 1531 ; edited in continuation of the work of the late Walter Seton, by R. W, Chambers and Edith C. Batho
Hector Boece; John Bellenden; Walter Seton; R. W, Chambers; Edith C. Batho, 1941
The Science of War: Sun Tzu’s "Art of War" re-translated and re-considered
Christopher Macdonald, 2018
Inca Architecture
Graziano Gasparini, Luise Margolies, Translated by Patricia J. Lyon, 1980