نتایج جستجو

User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: 21th International Conference, UMAP 2013, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2013 Proceedings
à tefan Pero, Tomáš Horváth (auth.), Sandra Carberry, Stephan Weibelzahl, Alessandro Micarelli, Giovanni Semeraro (eds.), 2013
Blut und Blutkrankheiten: Teil 2 Klinik des Erythrocytären Systems
Ludwig Heilmeyer (auth.), L. Heilmeyer, Prof. Dr. H. Begemann, Prof. Dr. K. Betke, Privatdozent Dr. D. Busch, Privatdozent Dr. H.-G. Harwerth, Privatdozent Dr. H. Heimpel, Prof. Dr. W. Hunstein, Dr. H. Jacobi, Prof. Dr. W. Künzer, Dr. W. Otte, Universitätsprof. Dr. W. Pilgerstorfer, Privatdozent Dr. J. Rastetter, Dr. Gisela Reinhardt, Prof. Dr. P. M. Reisert, Prof. Dr. H. Schubothe, Dr. Gisela Stecher, Dr. F. Stephan, Dr. med. H. P. Wetzel (eds.), 1970
Bright Satanic Mills: Universities, Regional Development and the Knowledge Economy
Alan Harding, Alan Scott, Stephan Laske, Christian Burtscher, 2007
Disposable Bioreactors II
Christian Löffelholz, Stephan C. Kaiser, Matthias Kraume (auth.), Dieter Eibl, Regine Eibl (eds.), 2014
Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health 2015
Banuelos, Gary Stephan; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto G.; Lin, Zhi-Qing; Moraes, Milton Ferreira de.; Reis, André Rodrigues dos, 2016
Selenium in the environment and human health
Gary Stephan Banuelos; Zhi-Qing Lin; Xuebin Yin, 2013
Fantastic Planet (Creation Oneiros)
Stephan Wul, 2010
Gene Therapy for Cancer
Bingliang Fang MD, PhD, Jack A. Roth MD (auth.), Kelly K. Hunt MD, Stephan A. Vorburger MD, MCR, Stephen G. Swisher MD (eds.), 2007
Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence: First Australasian Conference, ACALCI 2015, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, February 5-7, 2015. Proceedings
Stephan K. Chalup, Alan D. Blair, Marcus Randall (eds.), 2015
Dynamics of First-Order Phase Transitions in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems
Stephan W. Koch (auth.), 1984
Bio-based plastics : materials and applications
Stephan Kabasci, 2014
Field Computation for Accelerator Magnets: Analytical and Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Design and Optimization
Dr.?Ing. Stephan Russenschuck(auth.), 2010
Applied Pharmacometrics
Stephan Schmidt, 2014
Negotiation Techniques
Stephan Schiffman, 2009
AIDS Taschenwörterbuch
Stephan Dressler, 1996
AIDS: Taschenwörterbuch
Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stephan Dressler, 1992
Against Essentialism: A Theory of Culture and Society
Stephan Fuchs, 2001
Grundlagen und Grenzen der Leistungserbringung durch Honorarärzte
Stephan Porten (auth.), 2014
Handbuch Honorararztrecht: Praxisleitfaden zur Tätigkeit von Honorarärzten in Krankenhäusern
Stephan Porten (auth.), 2014
Life Insurance in Asia Sustaining Growth in the Next Decade
Stephan Binder, 2013
Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare
Stephan Jones (ed.), 2012
Meditation for dummies
Stephan Bodian, 2006