نتایج جستجو

Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence
Dionysis Bochtis (editor), Charisios Achillas (editor), Georgios Banias (editor), Maria Lampridi (editor), 2020
After Discourse: Things, Affects, Ethics
Bjørnar J. Olsen (editor); Mats Burström (editor); Caitlin DeSilvey (editor); Þóra Pétursdóttir (editor), 2021
Mysterium salutis. Lessico dei teologi del secolo ventesimo
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), Piersandro Vanzan (editor),Hans Jürgen Schultz (editor), 2018
Atlante culturale del Risorgimento. Lessico del linguaggio politico dal Settecento all'Unità
Alberto Mario Banti (editor), Antonio Chiavistelli (editor), Luca Mannori (editor), Marco Meriggi (editor), 2011
Reforming Education and Challenging Inequalities in Southern Contexts: Research and policy in international development
Pauline Rose (editor); Madeleine Arnot (editor); Roger Jeffery (editor); Nidhi Singal (editor), 2021
Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice
DeAnne Zwicker (editor); Marie Boltz (editor); Liz Capezuti (editor); Terry T. Fulmer (editor), 2021
Intelligent Communication and Automation Systems
Kamal Kumar Sharma (editor), Akhil Gupta (editor), Bandana Sharma (editor), Suman Lata Tripathi (editor), 2021
Progress in Material Science and Engineering
Igor V. Minin (editor), Sergey Uchaikin (editor), Alexander Rogachev (editor), Oldřich Starý (editor), 2021
Progress in Material Science and Engineering
Igor V. Minin (editor), Sergey Uchaikin (editor), Alexander Rogachev (editor), Oldřich Starý (editor), 2021
Provenance and Early Cinema (Early Cinema in Review: Proceedings of Domitor)
Joanne Bernardi (editor), Paolo Cherchi Usai (editor), Tami Williams (editor), Joshua Yumibe (editor), 2021
Institutionalist Theories of Money: An Anthology of the French School
Pierre Alary (editor), Jérôme Blanc (editor), Ludovic Desmedt (editor), Bruno Théret (editor), 2021
Hate Speech in Asia and Europe: Beyond Hate and Fear
Myungkoo Kang (editor), Marie-Orange Rivé-Lasan (editor), Wooja Kim (editor), Philippa Hall (editor), 2020
Hate Speech in Asia and Europe: Beyond Hate and Fear
Myungkoo Kang (editor), Marie-Orange Rivé-Lasan (editor), Wooja Kim (editor), Philippa Hall (editor), 2020
Risk-Based Structural Evaluation Methods: Best Practices and Development of Standards
Ming Liu (editor) & Bruce R. Ellingwood (editor) Michel Ghosn (editor), Graziano Fiorillo (editor), 2019
The Nature of Truth, second edition: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
Michael P. Lynch (editor), Jeremy Wyatt (editor), Junyeol Kim (editor), Nathan Kellen (editor), 2021
Emerging Economic Models for Global Sustainability and Social Development
Bryan Christiansen (editor), Irina Sysoeva (editor), Alexandra Udovikina (editor), Anna Ketova (editor), 2018
International Perspectives on Pragmatism
Michel Weber (editor), J.K. Swindler (editor), Oana-Maria Pastae (editor), Cerasel Cuteanu (editor), 2009
Pathological Altruism
Barbara Oakley (editor), Ariel Knafo (editor), Guruprasad Madhavan (editor), David Sloan Wilson (editor), 2011
Protein-ligand interactions : methods and applications
Tina Daviter (editor); Christopher M. Johnson (editor); Dr. Mark A. Williams (editor); Stephen H. McLaughlin (editor), 2021
Vibration engineering for a sustainable future : experiments, materials and signal processing. Vol. 2
; Jinchen Ji (editor); Benjamin Halkon (editor); Sebastian Oberst (editor); Terry Brown (editor), 2021
Gerusalemme. Storia di una città-mondo
Vincent Lemire (editor), Katell Berthelot (editor), Julien Loiseau (editor), Yann Potin (editor), 2017
A Fractal Epistemology for a Scientific Psychology: Bridging the Personal with the Transpersonal
Terry Marks-Tarlow (editor), Yakov Shapiro (editor), Katthe P. Wolf (editor), Harris L. Friedman (editor), 2019
Routledge Handbook of Sports Technology and Engineering
Franz Konstantin Fuss (editor), Aleksandar Subic (editor), Martin Strangwood (editor), Rabindra Mehta (editor), 2013
Communities and Connections: Essays in Honour of Barry Cunliffe
Chris Gosden (editor), Helena Hamerow (editor), Philip de Jersey (editor), Gary Lock (editor), 2008