نتایج جستجو

Minerals of Mexico
William D. Panczner (auth.), 1987
Music, Sound, and Technology
John M. Eargle (auth.), 1995
The New Dimensions of Warfarin Prophylaxis
Stanford Wessler (auth.), Stanford Wessler, Carl G. Becker, Yale Nemerson (eds.), 1987
Papillomaviruses in Human Cancer: The Role of E6 and E7 Oncoproteins
Massimo Tommasino (auth.), 1997
Polymer Networks: Structure and Mechanical Properties
M. Gordon, T. C. Ward, R. S. Whitney (auth.), A. J. Chompff, S. Newman (eds.), 1971
Principles of Chemical Sensors
Jiří Janata (auth.), 1989
Surface Forces
B. V. Derjaguin, N. V. Churaev, V. M. Muller (auth.), 1987
The Exploitation of Plant Resources in Ancient Africa
Marijke van der Veen (auth.), Dr. Marijke van der Veen (eds.), 1999
The Kidney and Hypertension in Diabetes Mellitus
Torsten Deckert (auth.), Carl Erik Mogensen (eds.), 1998
Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics
Carla M. Sinopoli (auth.), 1991
Case Studies in Family Violence
Robert T. Ammerman, Michel Hersen (auth.), Robert T. Ammerman, Michel Hersen (eds.), 1991
International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality
Amanda K. Baumle (auth.), Amanda K. Baumle (eds.), 2013
Neurobiology of Aging: An Interdisciplinary Life-Span Approach
J. Mark Ordy (auth.), J. Mark Ordy, Kenneth R. Brizzee (eds.), 1975
Shock Wave Lithotripsy: State of the Art
Christian G. Chaussy M.D. (auth.), James E. Lingeman, Daniel M. Newman (eds.), 1988
Meniscal Transplantation
R. Verdonk, P. Verdonk (auth.), René Verdonk, João Espregueira Mendes, Joan Carles Monllau (eds.), 2013
Concrete Folded Plate Roofs
C.B. Wilby (Auth.)
Germany's 2005 Welfare Reform: Evaluating Key Characteristics with a Focus on Immigrants
Thomas Walter (auth.), 2013
Vertriebspraxis Mittelstand: Leitfaden für systematisches Verkaufen
Markus Milz (auth.), 2013
Design, Evaluation, and Translation of Nursing Interventions
Souraya Sidani, Carrie Jo Braden(auth.), (eds.), 2011
Inflammation Protocols
Paul G. Winyard (auth.), Paul G. Winyard, Derek A. Willoughby (eds.), 2003
Stochastic Discrete Event Systems: Modeling, Evaluation, Applications
Armin Zimmermann (auth.), 2008
Nutrition and Food Science: Present Knowledge and Utilization: Volume 1 Food and Nutrition Policies and Programs
Dr. Walter J. Santos (auth.), Walter Santos, Nabuco Lopes, J. J. Barbosa, Dagoberto Chaves, José Carlos Valente (eds.), 1980
The Care and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries
George M. Bedbrook Kt., O.B.E., O.ST.J. Hon. M.D. (W.A.), M.S.(Melb.), D.P.R.M. (Syd.), F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S. (auth.), 1981
The Design of a Practical Enterprise Safety Management System
Hossam A. Gabbar, Kazuhiko Suzuki (auth.), 2004