نتایج جستجو

Schulsozialarbeit steuern: Vorschläge für eine Statistik zur Sozialen Arbeit an Schulen
Prof. Dr. Angelika Iser, Prof. Dr. Nicole Kastirke (auth.), Angelika Iser, Nicole Kastirke, Gero Lipsmeier (eds.), 2013
Kriege ohne Grenzen: Ursachen regionaler Konfliktsysteme in Sub-Sahara Afrika
Nadine Ansorg (auth.), 2013
Mobilität und Identität: Widerspruch in der modernen Gesellschaft
Dr. Maik Hömke (auth.), Maik Hömke (eds.), 2013
The Soils of Bangladesh
S.M. Imamul Huq, Jalal Uddin Md. Shoaib (auth.), 2013
Mathematics Education and Subjectivity: Cultures and Cultural Renewal
Tony Brown (auth.), 2011
Disentangling Migration and Climate Change: Methodologies, Political Discourses and Human Rights
Thomas Faist, Jeanette Schade (auth.), Thomas Faist, Jeanette Schade (eds.), 2013
Distributed Graph Algorithms for Computer Networks
K. Erciyes (auth.), 2013
Hassler Whitney Collected Papers
Hassler Whitney (auth.), James Eells, Domingo Toledo (eds.), 1992
Enabling Environments: Measuring the Impact of Environment on Disability and Rehabilitation
Edward Steinfeld, G. Scott Danford (auth.), Edward Steinfeld, G. Scott Danford (eds.), 1999
Nutrition and Behavior
Janina R. Galler (auth.), Janina R. Galler (eds.), 1984
The Hepatobiliary System: Fundamental and Pathological Mechanisms
W. Taylor (auth.), W. Taylor (eds.), 1976
Engineering Applications of Lasers and Holography
Winston E. Kock (auth.), 1975
Quantum Dynamics of Molecules: The New Experimental Challenge to Theorists
B. T. Sutcliffe (auth.), R. G. Woolley (eds.), 1980
Opioid Dependence: Mechanisms and Treatment
Abraham Wikler M.D. (auth.), 1980
Vision in Fishes: New Approaches in Research
Jacques Aghion (auth.), M. A. Ali (eds.), 1975
Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidants: Pathological and Physiological Significance
John M. C. Gutteridge (auth.), Tomris Özben (eds.), 1998
Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy
Gopal B. Saha Ph.D. (auth.), 1984
Minerals of Mexico
William D. Panczner (auth.), 1987
Music, Sound, and Technology
John M. Eargle (auth.), 1995
The New Dimensions of Warfarin Prophylaxis
Stanford Wessler (auth.), Stanford Wessler, Carl G. Becker, Yale Nemerson (eds.), 1987
Papillomaviruses in Human Cancer: The Role of E6 and E7 Oncoproteins
Massimo Tommasino (auth.), 1997
Polymer Networks: Structure and Mechanical Properties
M. Gordon, T. C. Ward, R. S. Whitney (auth.), A. J. Chompff, S. Newman (eds.), 1971
Principles of Chemical Sensors
Jiří Janata (auth.), 1989
Surface Forces
B. V. Derjaguin, N. V. Churaev, V. M. Muller (auth.), 1987