نتایج جستجو

The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change
Mary P. Murphy, Fiona Dukelow (eds.), 2016
The Sovereign Debt Crisis, the EU and Welfare State Reform
Caroline De La Porte, Elke Heins (eds.), 2016
Eurasian Borderlands: Spatializing Borders in the Aftermath of State Collapse
Tone Bringa, Hege Toje (eds.), 2016
Politics and Public Space in Contemporary Argentine Poetry: The Lyric and the State
Ben Bollig (auth.), 2016
Religion, Authority, and the State: From Constantine to the Contemporary World
Leo D. Lefebure (eds.), 2016
The Dual Transformation of the German Welfare State
Peter Bleses, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (auth.), 2004
Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project
Elliot D. Cohen (auth.), 2010
Islam’s Marriage with Neoliberalism: State Transformation in Turkey
Yıldız Atasoy (auth.), 2009
Mozambique and the Construction of the New African State: From Negotiations to Nation Building
Chris Alden (auth.), 2001
The State Economic Handbook 2009
Patrick L. Anderson, Scott D. Watkins (eds.), 2008
The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures
Yin-wah Chu (eds.), 2016
Sanctuary City: A Suspended State
Jennifer J. Bagelman (auth.), 2016
Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State
Terry Flew, Petros Iosifidis, Jeanette Steemers (eds.), 2016
The Politics of Inclusive Development: Policy, State Capacity, and Coalition Building
Judith A. Teichman (auth.), 2016
Reinventing France: State and Society in the Twenty-First Century
Susan Milner, Nick Parsons (eds.), 2003
Crisis of the state: War and social upheaval
Bruce Kapferer, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (eds.), 2009
Genomics, Circuits, and Pathways in Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Thomas Lehner, Bruce L. Miller, Matthew W. State, 2016
Show Thyself a Man: Georgia State Troops, Colored, 1865-1905
Gregory Mixon, 2016
My Journey into the Heart of Terror: Ten Days in the Islamic State
Jürgen Todenhöfer, 2016
Living by the Gun in Chad: Combatants, Impunity and State Formation
Marielle Debos, 2016
State failure in the modern world
Zaryab Iqbal and Harvey Starr
Meanings of jazz in state socialism
Gertrud Pickhan, 2016