نتایج جستجو

Introduzione alla genetica forense: Indagini di identificazione personale e di paternità
Adriano Tagliabracci (auth.), 2010
Relatività generale
Jürgen Ehlers (auth.), C. Cattaneo (eds.), 2011
Geometria del calcolo delle variazioni
H. Busemann (auth.), E. Bompiani (eds.), 2011
Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and World Monetary Policy
John E. Floyd (auth.), 2010
Geometric Measure Theory and Minimal Surfaces
W. K. Allard (auth.), Prof. E. Bombieri (eds.), 2011
Investigating Archaeological Cultures: Material Culture, Variability, and Transmission
Benjamin W. Roberts, Marc Vander Linden (auth.), Benjamin W. Roberts, Marc Vander Linden (eds.), 2011
Misurare e gestire il rischio finanziario
Francesco Menoncin (auth.), 2009
Guidelines for Molecular Analysis in Archive Tissues
Giorgio Stanta (auth.), Giorgio Stanta (eds.), 2011
Identification Guide of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Spain
Javier Oscoz, David Galicia, Rafael Miranda (auth.), Javier Oscoz, David Galicia, Rafael Miranda (eds.), 2011
C. Agostinelli (auth.), G. Agostinelli (eds.), 2011
Some Aspects of Diffusion Theory
V. C. A. Ferraro (auth.), A. Pignedoli (eds.), 2011
Teoria delle distribuzioni
B. Malgrange (auth.), E. Magenes, G. Stampacchia (eds.), 2011
Physik für Mediziner: Eine Einführung
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Harten (auth.), 2011
Potential Theory
Marcel Brelot (auth.), Prof. M. Brelot (eds.), 2011
Microbial Source Tracking: Methods, Applications, and Case Studies
Charles Hagedorn, Valerie J. Harwood (auth.), Charles Hagedorn, Anicet R. Blanch, Valerie J. Harwood (eds.), 2011
Stationary Oscillations of Elastic Plates: A Boundary Integral Equation Analysis
Gavin R. Thomson, Christian Constanda (auth.), 2011
Model Theory and Applications
Gerald E. Sacks (auth.), Prof. P. Mangani (eds.), 2011
Differential Operators on Manifolds
M. F. Atiyah (auth.), Prof. E. Vesenttni (eds.), 2011
Aspects of Mathematical Logic
H. Hermes (auth.), Prof. E. Casari (eds.), 2011
Harmonic Functions and Potentials on Finite or Infinite Networks
Victor Anandam (auth.), 2011
Convolution Operators on Groups
Antoine Derighetti (auth.), 2011
Technology Developments: the Role of Mechanism and Machine Science and IFToMM
Marco Ceccarelli (auth.), Marco Ceccarelli (eds.), 2011
Geometric Aspects of Analysis and Mechanics: In Honor of the 65th Birthday of Hans Duistermaat
Jean-Michel Bismut (auth.), Johan A.C. Kolk, Erik P. van den Ban (eds.), 2011