نتایج جستجو

The Geographical and Ethnic Names in the þíðriks Saga: A Study in Germanic Heroic Legend
William J. Paff, 1959
Multiculturalism in Canada: The Controversy of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity
Frederick Shannon, 2015
Alexander der Grosse in der frühislamischen Volksliteratur
Nagel, Tilman, 1978
[美]M.M.戈登; 马戎(译), 2015
Strange Fruit of the Black Pacific: Imperialism’s Racial Justice and Its Fugitives
Vince Schleitwiler, 2017
X-Rays, Spirits, and Witches: Understanding Health and Illness in Ethnographic Context
Julian M. Murchison, 2017
Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict
Bradley A. Thayer, 2009
The rise of ethnic politics in Latin America
Madrid, Raúl L., 2012
Approaches to ethnography : analysis and representation in participant observation
Jerolmack, Colin; Khan, Shamus Rahman, 2018
Self-actualization in the lives of medieval female mystics: An ethnohistorical approach
Cherel Jane Ellsworth Olive, 2009
Этнографическіе матеріалы
Гринченко Б. Д., 1895
澤田瑞穂, 1986
The anthropology of China : China as ethnographic and theoretical critique
Bruckermann, Charlotte; Feuchtwang, Stephan, 2016
The anthropology of China : China as ethnographic and theoretical critique
Bruckermann, Charlotte; Feuchtwang, Stephan, 2016
Becoming Black Political Subjects: Movements and Ethno-Racial Rights in Colombia and Brazil
Tianna S. Paschel, 2016
Whiteness and Racialized Ethnic Groups in the United States: The Politics of Remembering
Sherrow O. Pinder, 2013
Slumpvis utvald : ras-/etnisk profilering i Sverige
Leandro Schclarek Mulinari, 2017
The construction of a positive ethnic identity in the current artistic praktices
Seredkina, Natalia.
Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the People’s Republic
Dru Gladney, 1991
The myth of ethnic war : Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s
V. P. Gagnon Jr., 2006
Spaniards and Indians in Southeastern Mesoamerica: Essays on the History of Ethnic Relations
Murdo J. MacLeod, Robert Wasserstrom (eds.), 1983
Multi-Ethnic Coalitions in Africa: Business Financing of Opposition Election Campaigns
Leonardo R. Arriola, 2012