نتایج جستجو

Resistance and the Politics of Truth: Foucault, Deleuze, Badiou
Iain MacKenzie, 2018
Control Culture: Foucault and Deleuze after Discipline
Frida Beckman, 2018
Immanence and Micropolitics : Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault and Deleuze
Christian Gilliam, 2017
Literature and Politics in the Later Foucault
Azucena G. Blanco, 2020
Foucault’s Theatres
Tony Fisher (editor), Kélina Gotman (editor), 2019
Gilles Deleuze, 2018
Gilles Deleuze, 2018
Foucault's Strange Eros
Lynne Huffer, 2020
Foucault and School Leadership Research: Bridging Theory and Method
Denise Mifsud, 2017
Foucault and School Leadership Research: Bridging Theory and Method
Denise Mifsud, 2017
Illuminismo e critica. Foucault interprete di Kant
Rudy M. Leonelli, 2018
Following Foucault: The Trail of the Fox
Howard Richards, 2018
Tomorrow the Manifold: Essays on Foucault, Anarchy, and the Singularization to Come
Reiner Schürmann, Malte Fabian Rauch (editor), Nicolas Schneider (editor), 2019
Il soggetto produttivo. Da Foucault a Marx
Pierre Macherey, 2013
San Foucault. Pra una hagoigrafía gay
David Halperin, 2000
Foucault, Biopolitics and Resistance
Lauri Siisiäinen, 2018
Foucault and the Critique of Institutions
John Caputo and Mark Yount, 1993
Foucault's Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason
Penelope Deutscher, 2017
From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault. The Infinitesimal Revolution
Tonkonoff, Sergio, 2017
From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault. The Infinitesimal Revolution
Tonkonoff, Sergio, 2017